Top 10 Reasons Why The Poor Hate The Rich

Considering the population of the world, the majority of people are in the average income levels and lower income levels, and only a very few people are in the ultimate income levels. So, a lot of those low-income poor people hate the rich.

There are several reasons unique to the poor that make them hate the rich. Analyzing the opinions and attitudes of many of the poor, several notable reasons were found.

This article mentions those 10 reasons. These are actually reasons of their own making. That is, this is the way they think about the rich, their attitude towards the rich.

Because of the immature nature of their attitudes, they constantly hate the rich. What comes out as hatred is the jealousy in their hearts, or the various forms of jealousy they have towards the rich, is reflected in their attitudes.

But not every poor person hates the rich. Only a section of the poor are strongly opposed to capitalism. Some such people gather people against the rich.

Top 10 Reasons Why The Poor Hate The Rich

Image by Kant Smith from Pixabay

01. The Rich Have Expensive Stuffs

The rich have expensive things and the poor can’t afford them even if they accumulate their income throughout their lives. So it is normal for them to feel jealous.

The rich have things like fancy watches made of diamonds and gold, shoes studded with diamonds, mansions worth millions and supercars.

So when the poor see these things, they cannot look at these things without being greedy. When the intense craving inside their mind comes out, their mind tells them that they don’t have the means to get such a thing

At the same time, that jealousy and extreme greed comes out as anger. Because of that anger, they start hating the rich.

02. The Rich Live a Life of Luxury

The next thing the poor do is to compare their lives with the lives of the rich. They realize that the rich have many things that they do not have.

At the same time, they wonder how well such a person who has everything can live. They assume that it must be a blissful place like heaven.

The problem is that society always sees only the end result. Maybe if he looks into the life story of that rich person whom he hates, he will come to know that the rich person may have been extremely poor in the past.

That person has suffered a lot and worked hard to achieve the happy life he has today. But the poor do not try to find that life story. What they do is to hate the rich instead of trying to acquire such great wealth.

03. The Rich are Treated with Great Respect

There are well-educated poor people in the society. There are also less educated tycoons. Sometimes the society ignores the educated person and accepts the rich person.

Because he has money, he has power, many people work under him and make a living. That educated person only has his degree. But that capitalist businessman who does not have a degree has given jobs to thousands of such people who have degrees.

Who is worth more to the economy? A single employee with a degree? Or, the businessman who gave jobs to thousands of people who have degrees?

That businessman gets more value in the economy. His influence in the economy is very high. If desired, the businessman can make the graduate unemployed.

So it is very common for such a businessman to receive respect in the society. Also, his service for the economy is very high.

There is no point in the poor hating the rich. Because the poor survive by doing a job given to them by the rich.

04. The Rich are Very Arrogant

One of the things that poor people wrongly believe is that rich people are very arrogant people. It is partly true and partly false.

There are some rich people who are very humble and virtuous. Such rich people spend millions to improve the standard of living of the poor.

Among the rich there are few rich people who are very arrogant and greedy. They don’t give anything to anyone. He keeps everything to himself.

They may not even know how to address a person properly and respectfully. But such rich people sometimes have a fake wealth, they may not be as rich as the poor people think.

The real tycoons who have a lot of money, property, assets, business networks are very innocent, honest, law-abiding, humble and charitable people.

It is not fair to judge the whole on the behavior of a few. Sometimes such rich people also contribute to the aid given to the poor through various foundations.

05. The Rich Have No Problems

The poor think that they have all the problems in life, the rich live a very free life without problems. This is also not a complete truth but a partial truth.

The rich have problems too, but they can solve almost all of those problems with money. The problem with the poor is that their main problem is financial problems.

There are various problems that every person has. Such common problems and their simple solutions are mentioned in the article “8 Common Life Problems & How to Solve Them“. You can read it and get some help

06. The Rich Gain Political Advantage

The rich have more or less political connections and power. They get political support indirectly in things like their business activities.

But in developing middle income countries, this situation is quite bad. In those countries, some businessmen and most of the politicians join forces and abuse the country’s laws, tender calls, various projects, etc.

The poor hate the rich because of their anger at not getting the benefits of such fraud and corruption.

07. The Rich Exploit The Labor of The Poor

Most of the jobs in the economy have been created by the rich. Most of the poor people work in the companies of such rich people. Some do government jobs.

However, these poor people think that the rich are getting their labor for very cheap. Also, the poor think that the businessmen have become rich by making them work excessively for low wages.

Here, the poor should not hate the rich and engage in the same job. If you feel underpaid, move to a better paying job.

08. The Rich are Crooks

For various reasons, the poor have become accustomed to thinking that the rich are very deceitful. But instead of the words swindler, cheater, fraud, crook, it would be better to use the word “trickster“.

They find a loophole in everything. They are adept at escaping from such loopholes. They use different tricks and tactics for that. So the words tactician and trickster are more appropriate.

Try to find solutions to the problems that come your way. Find a loophole somewhere and try to escape from it.

09. The Rich Should Give to The Poor

This is not a Robin Hood novel to take from the rich and give to the poor. This is real life. Such Robin Hoods may exist from the past to the present.

How long will Robin Hood protect the poor by robbing the rich and giving it to the poor? The day Robin Hood dies, the poor will be more destitute than ever.

On the other hand, suppose that the wealth of the rich was stolen to zero and handed over to the poor. Then the poor will become rich and the rich will become poor.

This cannot be done this way. What should be done is to create permanent sources of income for the poor and give them knowledge about financial management.

Then they will earn income and manage it properly to improve their standard of living. The standard of living that is built in that way is permanent.

10. The Rich Keep People Poor

This is another absurd idea created by the poor. If you are poor it is your problem. No one else is responsible for it.

The rich don’t have to keep you poor. But because of your poor mentality, you unknowingly turn the rich into eternally rich.

That is, poor people with this mindset will never become rich, so the rich will not lose their appearance as rich in the society.

You thrive in the way you act. No one is responsible for it. If you are poor, it is because of your poor mentality and the way you act. If you become rich, the credit belongs to you.


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