Categories: Education

Improve Memory – Keep Anything in Your Memory Easily

A problem faced by many students in studying is the difficulty in remembering the subject matter. In this article you can learn how to keep anything in your memory easily.

But before going to this article you can read our previous article called “How to Improve Your Memory“. If you like, you can read that article as well. That article also talked a lot about your memory.

What are the Types of Memory?

Image by Raphaël Jeanneret from Pixabay

Our memory can be divided into several parts or types. It can be named as sensory memory, short term memory and long term memory.

01. Sensory Memory

Sensory memory is the memory that is temporarily stored when recognizing our sensations in our body. Our body receives sensations in 5 ways. Sensations flow to our brain from the eyes, ears, tongue, nose and body or skin.

The pieces of information received by such sensations are sometimes less than a second in our memory. One such piece of information stays in the sensory memory only until the next piece arrives.

Because of the rapid succession of these pieces of information, the brain recognizes them as a single sensation. Only if it is a constant sensation; it stays in our memory and ordinary sensations fade away without being remembered.

02. Short-term Memory

Short-term memory is memory that lasts for about 15 to 30 seconds, known as working memory. When we read a sentence till the end, we will be able to understand the whole meaning because the first part of the sentence remains in our memory. This short-term memory will work for that.

03. Long-term Memory

The events and experiences we face on a daily basis are stored for a long time in this long-term memory. This long-term memory is divided into two parts. They are Implicit Memory and Explicit Memory.

Implicit Memory

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Our various skills are remembered through this implicit memory. Once you get used to riding a bike as a child, you have the ability to ride a bike again any day of your life. Remembering such skills takes place in this implicit memory.

Explicit Memory

Image by svklimkin from Pixabay

The information learned and collected throughout life is stored in this explicit memory. It cannot be said that the capacity is this much. Various necessary information is brought forward from this memory.

How to Store Information in Memory

If the files you store on your computer or phone are saved everywhere without any order, you will have trouble finding those files later, right? Our memory is also like that. If data and information are stored without any order, it is very difficult to recall them.

Any event or experience you come across goes to your memory as a piece of information. So, you sort that scattered data set and send it to memory. Then it is easier to recall the relevant information when needed.

Even when studying, do not study recklessly, study with awareness and attention. Store the material in the lessons in a more organized form in the memory.

Repetition is Very Important

Even if it is usually a stone, if it stays in one place for a long time, moss will grow on it. What happens then? We don’t see the stone but the moss on it. When things in your memory sit unused for a long time, they go beyond the range of frequently used memory.

But things that are newly recognized by the brain and that you recall are stored in the frequently used memory range so that they can be used quickly. Even if it is a lesson, if you study it once and do not use it again for about a month, it is extremely difficult to recall it. This is called our forgetful nature.

But if those facts are repeatedly captured by your brain, it is very easy to recall them. By reading the same lesson several times, you will be able to remember the lesson better.

Free Up Your Memory Space

Image by Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay

When you try to install a new app on your phone, you may have experienced this message that your phone does not have enough space for it. Then, if you want to install the new app, you have to remove the currently stored app or other unnecessary files.

In our life too, more space has been reserved for unnecessary things than essential things. The situation is the same in our memory. When our memory is filled with many temporary files and junk files, it becomes very difficult to remember even the necessary things.

So get rid of the unimportant things in your memory and mind and make the necessary space for studies.


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