Healthy and Natural Ways to Gain Weight in 30 Days

Are you Underweight?

If you want to gain weight or body mass, you first need to know whether you are underweight, average or overweight. How do you know that?

Measure your weight and your height first. Then go to BMI Calculator then add your age, your gender, your height in centimeters and your weight in kilograms. Then you can see your result according to Body Mass Index (BMI).

Or you can do this yourself easily. Convert you height from feet or centimeter to meters. As an example, think you are 5 feets and 6 inches in height. Then convert it to meters.

Image by Joachim Schnürle from Pixabay

1 feet equals to 30.48 centimeters. 1 inch equals to 2.54 centimeters. According to example, you should multiply 5′ by 30.48cm and 6″ by 2.54. Then the answer is 5 × 30.48 = 152.4cm and 6 × 2.54 = 15.24cm. Then add them together 152.4 + 15.24 = 167.64cm. To convert this to meters, divide the value by 100. Then your height is 1.676 meters.

Or if you use cm and m tape, you can easily measure your height. Then get the square value (x2) of your height. According to example, 1.676 × 1.676 = 2.8 m2. Then think you are 65kg in weight, divide 65 by 2.8, you will get 23.21 kg/m2. That is your BMI range.

But, how do you know if you are in a good range or a bad range? Pay attention to the table below.

CategoryBMI Range – kg/m2
Severe Thinness<16
Moderate Thinness 16 – 17
Mild Thinness17 – 18.5
Normal18.5 – 25
Overweight25 – 30
Obese Class I30 – 35
Obese Class II35 – 40
Obese Class III>40
Body Mass Index – BMI Range

Your BMI value should be between 18.5 – 25 kg/m2. That is the average range, if it is less than 18 kg/m2, we can assume that you are in underweight range. Then this article will be very important for you.

Causes of Being Underweight

Image by Igor Ovsyannykov from Pixabay

Lack of Nutrition – People in some countries don’t have enough foods and nutrients due to poverty and decisions and actions of arbitrary, hypocritical political leaders.

Genetic Problems – Sometimes it can be a genetic issue, if your family members have some underweight and thin body problem, you have a risk.

Drugs that affect appetite – Some drugs affects to the appetite.

Physical Illness – Sometimes when you get sick, you refuse to eat. If you refuse to get foods for a a week or two because of your illness, it will lead to decrease your energy, deteriorate of your body and decrease of your body weight.

Mental Illness – Sometimes, you may be stressed because of day-to-day problems. Then you naturally refuse to get foods.

Risks Associated with being Underweight

  • Vitamin deficiencies
  • Anemia (lowered ability to carry blood vessels)
  • Malnutrition
  • Osteoporosis
  • A decrease in Immune System
  • Growth and Development Issues
  • Hormonal Imbalances
  • Increased Risk of Mortality

Healthy and Natural Ways to Gain Weight in 30 Days

Don’t expect a great effect in 30 days by following these things. But you can see some difference such as an increase of body weight, a small development of your muscles and an increase of your body energy.

01. Eggs

Image by RitaE from Pixabay

Eggs are very delicious and we can add eggs in various forms to our diet such as omelet, bullseye, soft boiled, half boiled, fried boiled eggs, egg gravy and etc.

Eggs are rich in protein, and eggs have vitamin B2, vitamin B12, Vitamin D and 78 calories. 2 Eggs are sufficient for a healthy person with no any weight problem. But if you are underweight, it’s better to get 3 – 6 eggs per day.

02. Jackfruit

Image by Kiều Trường from Pixabay

Jackfruit is very popular in the villages of India and Sri Lanka. In those villages jackfruit is a very common plant. And some people are are selling jackfruit, baby jackfruit and jackfruit seeds for living. It makes a really good income for them.

Jackfruit has a good amount of calorie content and can give you a lot of energy to carry out your daily activities. And it has fiber which can help you to maintain bowel health, lower cholesterol levels, to achieve healthy weight.

And it has carbohydrates, protein, vitamin A, vitamin C, magnesium and many more nutrients. So, adding jackfruit to your diet is a good step to gain your weight naturally.

03. Avocado

Image by Juraj Varga from Pixabay

Avocado is another amazing fruit which has so many health benefits. Normal Size Avocado with about 200 grams has 322 calories, 29 grams of healthy fat and number of vitamins such as C, E, K, B6 and many more nutrients.

It can lower your cholesterol levels, and it has omega 3 fatty-acids which help you to keep your heart, blood vessels, immune system and overall health at a good condition.

We have added avocado in out ‘weight loss’ article. That’s because avocado is a healthy fruit. You can get so many benefits from it, whether it increases or decreases your weight.

04. Milk

Image by Aline Ponce from Pixabay

There are many types of milk, such as cow’s milk, camel milk, goat milk and many more. If you want to gain weight, then you need to concern about high fat milk such whole milk and goat milk.

A cup of whole milk has 148 calories, 8 grams of fat and other nutrients. A cup of goat milk has 168 calories and 10 grams of fat.

And powdered milk has more calories and fat than natural milk. But consuming powdered milk in the long run is not a good thing.

If you need to gain weight, you need to eat more calories than your body burns. This means that high calorie foods help you gain weight naturally.

You can add some cereals, vanilla or chocolate to your milk for better taste.

05. Potato

Image by Moira Nazzari from Pixabay

Potato is another good choice to gain your weight naturally. Potato has 77 calories, 17 grams of carbs in 100 grams.

We can link potato to our diet in various forms such as baked, boiled, fried, roasted, mashed and etc. But getting too much french-fries and potato chips are not good for health. Because they have high amounts of saturated fat.

But you can eat potatoes in other ways, like boiled, mashed with eggs and as potato gravy.

06. Banana

Image by Gabriela Sanda from Pixabay

Some nutritionists say that bananas can help you lose weight, while others say you can gain weight. Which is correct?

Banana is high in calories. A 6-8 inch long banana weighs about 100 grams and contains about 90 calories, 2.6 grams of fiber, 23 grams of carbs and more vitamins and other nutrients.

If you eat 4 bananas of this size per day, it means that you have received 360 calories. It can give you a side help to gain your weight.

But there is another issue with banana. That is, after eating a banana, you can stay for a long time without any food. That is, bananas have the ability to prevent you from feeling hungry.

Then you may refuse to get some food for two three hours after having a banana. But if you want to gain weight, eat a banana after every complete meal. You can get high amount of calorie by eating more bananas per day.

07. Don’t Skip Your Meals

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

Sometimes, you miss your breakfast, lunch, dinner and also your tea time with your busy schedule. But it skipping meal is not a good habit. This is because it not only causes weight loss but also leads to many problems such as heartburn and gastritis.

Therefore, if you are underweight, do not skip a single meal. Eat a small meal or snack, chocolate, drink milk, juice whenever possible.

We talked about some healthy ways to gain your weight naturally, let’s talk about some unhealthy limited ways to gain your weight.

08. Burger

Image by Stoyan Stoyanov from Pixabay

Burgers are notorious as a bad unhealthy food everywhere. Is that true? Yes, it’s very delicious and it stimulates our taste buds, so many people love to eat burgers.

But too much burgers is very bad for your overall health. Because burgers have excessive amounts of cholesterol and saturated fat. So, if you are a lazy, slothful person, burgers will help you increase your cholesterol levels and make a patient.

But if you suffer from underweight and lack of nutrition, we can get some benefit from burgers. There are many types of burgers such as chicken, beef, mushroom, lamb, potato corn, cheese etc.

Burgers contain lettuce, cheese, tomato, chicken, pickle, mushrooms and many more. These items have lot of calories, proteins, vitamins and other nutrients.

So, if you are underweight and suffer from lack of nutrition, you can get some benefit from burgers. But keep this in your mind, burgers are not in the healthy food category.

But having a one burger a day can quickly increase your muscle weight and size. But do not turn it into a major meal.

09. Biryani

Image by Shourav Sheikh from Pixabay

Biryani is another delicious meal. There are some varieties of it such as, chicken biryani, mutton biryani, pork biryani, beef biryani, Hyderabadi biryani, Bombay biryani and etc.

We can get biryani as a major meal. Because It is a meal that contains rice and it contains lot of ingredients. And also it contains lot of fat.

It helps you to gain your weight and build up your muscles. But this food is not always good. But as an underweight person, you can get some benefit from this.

10. Coconut Oil

Image by ivabalk from Pixabay

Many people think coconut oil has high cholesterol levels. But it is wrong, it doesn’t have any amount of cholesterol. Therefore, is it good?

Consuming a small amount of coconut oil is not a big problem, but consuming too much coconut oil can lead to many health problems such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure and obesity.

Coconut oil doesn’t have cholesterol, but it has 862 calories in 100 grams. And one table spoon of coconut oil has 117 calories. That is a huge number. This is because a person needs 2,000 – 2,500 calories a day.

If you prepare a lot of fried foods using coconut oil, it will adversely affect your health in the long run. But if you are underweight, you can add some coconut oil to your dishes.


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