8 Tips to Boost Energy and Reduce Fatigue

Before we delve into the fatigue recovery process, we need to clearly define what we are recovering from. Fatigue is defined as extreme tiredness and can describe a broad range of physiological and psychological states of exhaustion.

Before moving on to increasing energy, it is necessary to clarify what are the conditions and causes of fatigue or tiredness. Fatigue can be induced by stress, training, mental workload, illness, or a combination of these.

Two Subtypes of Fatigue

01. Acute Fatigue

Acute Fatigue is the short-term disruption of systems that leads to a decrement in performance within a given training session and the period immediately following. If you can do 5 pull ups when you’re fresh, but can only muster about 2 pull ups at the end of a grueling back session, it’s acute fatigue that’s responsible for that decline in ability.

02. Cumulative Fatigue

Cumulative (or “chronic”) Fatigue is the disruption of systems that affects future training sessions. So, while acute fatigue is measured in minutes and hours, cumulative fatigue is measured in days and weeks. It’s called “cumulative” fatigue because it’s really acute fatigue that has never been alleviated.

Fatigue can also be subdivided into peripheral and systemic fatigue. Peripheral fatigue is that sustained in the local muscles and tissues of the trained regions. Systemic fatigue refers to the amalgamation of local, central nervous system, and psychological fatigue.

Life stress, diet and lack of sleep contribute to systemic fatigue. If you don’t address the real reason behind your fatigue, it accumulates day after day and week after week.

Causes of Fatigue

  • Daily Physical Tasks:
    Maybe you are someone who spends hours on the same job every day. In such cases, the main cause of your fatigue is that your body is overworked daily.
  • Sleep Deprivation:
    Sleep deprivation is the term that is used to describe the state caused by the inadequate quantity or quality of sleep. Sometimes, you don’t have enough time to sleep because of your busy lifestyle, or maybe you have a condition called insomnia.
  • Poor Nutrition:
    Nowadays, many people are used to getting fast food because they don’t have enough time to prepare a delicious and nutritious meal. Many fast foods contain many substances that your body really does not need. Therefore, sometimes you may have to face various nutritional deficiencies if you take such non-nutritious foods for a long time.
  • Psychological Stressors:
    Depression is very common in today’s world. But you need to take care of your stress and manage your stress level. Otherwise, it can lead to many physical and mental disorders.
  • Illness:
    It is normal for us to feel very tired even when we have certain diseases or illnesses. Take proper medication and rest to recover.

    But some conditions like coronavirus may require you to take multi-vitamin tablets and other nutrients in tablets to regain your physical strength even after recovering from the illness.
  • Toxin Exposure:
    In some occupations, many harmful chemicals and toxic substances have to be dealt with. Those engaged in such jobs are at risk of suffering from the most dangerous medical conditions after a long period of time.

Recovery from Fatigue

We should do it in a very restrained and orderly way when dealing with the excessive tiredness that occurs in our body. Your fatigue cannot be eliminated in the blink of an eye. Some systematic method should be used for that. In this article, you can know how to boost energy and and reduce fatigue.

8 Tips to Boost Energy and Reduce Fatigue

01. Good Sleep

Image by Shanon from Pixabay

Yes, sleep is the first thing that I recommend you to reduce fatigue. Adequate sleep is an integral part of our health. Doctors and specialists advise to sleep for at least a six hours. But sometimes, it can be difficult to do in practice.

Perhaps, you sleep only 3 or 4 hours a day. Our life is short, so we have limited time. We must make the most of the limited time we have. So it is okay to sleep for 3 to 4 hours a day. But make sure you get at least six hours of sleep every three days.

Otherwise, you may feel dizzy, lightheaded, and often experience a severe headache. So, manage your time perfectly, and allocate enough time for the sleep. Also, the sleep you get should be very comfortable. You can use soft and comfortable mattress and pillows and sleeping postures for that.

02. Take a Good Shower

Image by Olya Adamovich from Pixabay

I’m not talking about a quick shower. You go to the bathroom, turn on the shower, put some water on your body and comes out in two or three minutes. I am not talking about such a shower.

Take your time, turn on the shower, let the water flow from your head to your feet. Let the water cool your whole body. Water has an amazing power to eliminate our fatigue. If you think it’s a lie, take a good bath when you are very tired. No doubt you will feel a lot of relief after the shower. And this also helps in relieving stress.

03. Good Breakfast

Image by silviarita from Pixabay

Breakfast is a very important part of your day. Sometimes breakfast gives you the energy you need to get through the day. Maybe you miss your lunch in your busy life. Even at such times, it is your breakfast that provides great support to carry out your day’s work without any problems.

So, your breakfast is so important, and what should it really contain? It should consist of eggs, egg pancakes, cheese, chocolate cereal, vegetable soup, breakfast salad, oatmeal, sandwich with salmon, cheese, butter, eggs and potato etc.

Such a meal is called a good breakfast. A good breakfast should always be rich in nutrients. It will give you tons of energy to run your day.

04. Carbohydrates Rich Foods

Image by PublicDomainImages from Pixabay

Carbohydrates provide the body with energy to carry out our daily tasks. Glucose, which is the primary energy source of human body. Glucose is a type of monosaccharide, or it can also be called the simplest form of carbohydrate.

White rice, brown rice, potatoes, whole grain breads, bananas, pineapples, grapes, mangoes and many other carbohydrate-rich foods. Add them to your diet to help your body produce more energy.

05. Protein Rich Foods

Image by vika-imperia550 from Pixabay

Protein allows metabolic reactions, helps repair and build your body’s tissues, provide energy when carbohydrates and fat intake is inadequate.

Foods like red meat, milk and milk products such as butter, cheese, yoghurt, fish contain more proteins. The easiest way to get protein is from animal foods.

But some plant based foods like chickpeas, lentil, cowpeas, mung beans contain lot of proteins. If you are vegetarian, you can get protein from these foods.

06. Calories

Image by RitaE from Pixabay

When we engage in physical activities, our body burn lots of calories. But what are calories. Calories can be referred as a unit of energy. An adult man needs 2,000 – 3,000 calories per day while an adult woman needs 1,600 – 2,400 calories to function properly.

When your body’s calorie intake is low, you feel tired and lethargic. When you consume more calories, you can perform more energetically. But where do the calories come from? Let me tell you about it.

There are 239 calories per 100 grams of chicken, 402 calories per 100 grams of cheese, 496 calories per 100 grams of powdered milk (not recommended as a healthy way), 717 calories per 100 grams of butter, 130 calories per 100 grams of white rice, 105 calories per 100 grams of boiled mung beans, 265 calories per 100 grams of white bread, 164 calories per 100 grams of boiled chickpeas.

You can refer to the label for more information about the nutritional content of the foods you buy at the supermarket.

07. Regular Exercise

Image by Irina L from Pixabay

Regular exercise is very necessary for a healthy life in every way. Exercising daily or at least occasionally is a great help in maintaining our physical health.

When we get used to being lazy without exercise, after a while it becomes very difficult to even bend and stretch our joints. To boost energy of your body and reduce fatigue you can do regular exercises.

If you are overweight or obese; We have already written an article on how to lose weight, if you are interested, you can go through this link and read it.

08. Relieve Your Stress

Image by Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke from Pixabay

Stress is bad for our health in every way. But today, stress is common in all age groups. When your mind is under a lot of pressure, you feel like doing nothing, feeling bored, sleepy and feeling physically exhausted are common symptoms.

You can use yoga or meditation techniques, listen to stress relieving music, do some stress relieving activities to manage your stress level. Managing your stress level is very important for a happy and healthy life.


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