8 Effective Ways to Relieve Back Pain Naturally

Before we talk about how to relieve back pain we need to know the background story of back pain. There are many causes of back pain from person to person.

Sometimes, when you wake up, you feel some pain in your back, sometimes after lifting furniture or some other heavy object, sometimes due to an accident like falling somewhere. Or you may experience regular back pain as you age.

The Five Back Pain Mistakes

01. Continuing a Treatment that doesn’t Work

If we talk to back-pain sufferers, they have amazing stories of how long they tried a particular type of treatment before giving it up. But none of them help.

If you’re using a back-pain solution that doesn’t work or hasn’t worked permanently, it’s worth trying a different approach. Some treatments work for some people, but if a treatment isn’t working for you, that’s what’s important.

Here’s a general rule to follow: Once you’ve gone through a three-month period of treatment, if you see no improvement, consider making a change. It’s not so much that you should have only X amount of treatments, but that you should notice steady progress in your pain relief. This relief should be of the long-lasting variety – not the kind that wears off in a few hours.

02. Failing to Solve the Problem the First Time

Many people experience back pain that lasts a few days and then subsides. When the pain disappears, rather than make an effort to identify and address the cause of it, they simply forget about it.

Most people believe that when the pain goes away, the problem does, too. This is a common misconception that I hope will be corrected as you read this article.

When the pain subsides for a while, people forget about it and continue their work. But you need to find the cause of back pain first. Otherwise, back pain will arise again in the future due to that same reason.

03. Thinking You’re Too “Healthy” or “Fit” to Have Back Pain

No matter how much you care about your car, even if you maintain it properly at the right time, it still has the potential to get a patch on its tire. You can find out about upcoming engine troubles and you can replace those parts earlier.

You know how long the air filter, oil filter and other parts last. But you never know when your tire will go flat. This is because it can happen at any time without prior notice. The same goes for back pain.

You may eat right, exercise regularly, and enjoy good health, but that doesn’t mean you can’t experience back pain. Sometimes, it is caused by a posture that is uncomfortable for a long time.

04. Treating only the Symptoms

You must understand that pain is merely a signal that something is wrong. Even if you get rid of the pain, the problem is still going to be there.

The majority of the treatments people receive including cortisone shots, anti-inflammatory drugs, ultrasound, electrical stimulation, and the like; address only the symptoms of pain.

Therefore, instead of taking painkillers, the root cause of the back pain should be clearly identified and treated.

05. Not Understanding that Back Pain is a Process

Sometimes, back pain can come on suddenly and disappear. But back pain & neck pain take weeks, months or even years to develop. Usually, you’re not aware of a problem until something starts to hurt.

But rarely is back pain the result of a one-time incident. Barring an injury like a car accident, back pain typically doesn’t happen overnight.

It usually signals that there is something wrong with your back, but if you ignore it, it becomes a permanent back pain.

Three Hidden Causes of Back Pain

01. Excess (too much)

When we talk about excess, we’re talking about too much of something. Some foods and drinks, coffee; as an example, if you drink too much soda, coffee or other caffeinated drinks in your system (as well as other junk).

Since caffeine is a diuretic that causes you to urinate a lot, you’ll have too little water left in your body. The discs in the spine need water to stay healthy and function optimally.

Too little water and they degenerate, bulge, or herniate, making you vulnerable to nerve compression and pain.

Furthermore, if you eat too much wrong kind of fat or unhealthy fats such as, hydrogenated vegetable oils, fried foods and some other foods like snacks, chips and crackers – you’ll likely carry too much fat on your body, potentially straining your muscles and putting extra pressure on your back.

We talked about food, drink and the inner workings of our body. But we need to talk about the physical activities we do.

Sometimes, we do the same task or same activity over and over again. It can cause severe pain in your back. Excessive cycling, running, walking, hiking, weight lifting or other exercise without the advice / directions of an experienced trainer can cause back pain.

And also, too much sitting at the computer can lead to shortened muscles in the backs of the legs, which creates back pain.

02. Deficiency (too little)

When we talk about deficiency, we’re talking about too little of something. If you drink too little water, you run the risk of dehydration and toxic buildup in the body, as well as constipation and back pain.

Eat too little fruits and vegetables, and your body doesn’t get enough of the vitamins and minerals it needs to stay healthy, fight off stress, and lower your risk of experiencing back pain.

As with ‘too much’, too little physical activities can also cause back pain. Too little exercise can make your body fat, it can lead to many health issues such as obesity, cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, muscle pains etc.

Lack of exercise can also cause mental imbalance as well as physical problems. So in order to maintain good physical and mental health, you need to know the limits of everything.

03. Stagnation (too slow)

Stagnation can be caused by too much or too little of something in your life—or by both. Too much anxiety, tension, and fear all restrict blood vessels, as evidenced by the feeling of “cold hands.”

Too much sitting for long periods of time, whether at the computer or on an airplane, restricts the blood flow in your legs, and can even result in a clot.

Too little activity, too little stress relief, too little water, and too little stretching to elongate the muscle fibers all can lead to low energy and poor circulation. And poor circulation can lead to muscle soreness, toxin buildup, and back pain.

In a healthy body, the blood flows freely throughout the veins and arteries, supplying all organs and tissues with the oxygen and nutrients they need while carrying waste away.

However, if that blood flow is restricted somehow, say, in a trigger point within one of your back muscles, it slows down and clogs up the system.

08 Effective Ways to Relieve Back Pain Naturally

There are two main types of back pain such as, nerve based back pain and tissue based back pain. When you have a muscle or bone that is a hair’s length away from a nerve, it doesn’t take much for either of them to intrude on the nerve’s space – irritating it and causing you nerve-based back pain.

When a physical dysfunction or condition persists uncorrected, the various tissues in your body; namely your muscles, tendons, and ligaments – get overworked incredibly quickly.

Normally, these tissues are strained only when you use them. Under these kinds of conditions, your soft tissues can tolerate enormous usage completely pain free.

But if you have a physical dysfunction, you’re actually straining those soft tissues virtually every second of your waking day. In this case, it can cause tissue-based back pain.

If you have a severe back problem, you should see your doctor and seek medical treatments. But if you know in advance that you are at risk for back pain, you can try out these eight tips to get rid of back pain at home.

01. Focus on the Cause

Image by Jan Vašek from Pixabay

As we talked before, you need to find the real cause behind your back pain. Sometimes, it could be a wrong posture, a nutritional imbalance, excessive physical activity or something like that.

Whatever it is, it should be clearly identified as the first step and an attempt should be made to find a solution to the problem.

For example, if the reason is sitting in front of the computer for a long time, you can go for a walk, or if the problem is your chair, you can buy a comfortable chair.

In our next steps, we can clarify these things one by one. So, keep reading to find out what you need to do about the cause of your back pain.

02. Make your Work Area Posture Friendly

Image by lqiuz from Pixabay

When you do something, even when you sleep, your body posture is very important. So, first of all make you work area posture friendly.

When you chop vegetables in a standing position, your head will bend down and it can cause neck pain. Also, neck pain and back pain can occur when you sit on the floor and do something.

The first thing you need to do is keep your workplace and body posture comfortable for you. If your chair is not comfortable, it is difficult to sit in that chair for a long time.

I would like to give you an example to make this easier to understand. When we get in our dad’s or friend’s car, we first adjust the seat for our convenience. It is something that happens spontaneously, because our brain understands; now we are going to drive this vehicle, so our body needs to be in a comfortable way.

In our next step, you will understand the role of your bed for back pain and how to deal with it.

03. Be mindful of the role of your bed

Image by congerdesign from Pixabay

Your bed should be comfortable for a good night’s sleep. Sometimes, mattresses sag and bulge over time. It can cause severe back pain and your pillow can give you neck pain.

Dry your pillows in the sun at least once every two weeks. Rotate your mattress 180 degrees every two to three months. If your mattress has been in use for a long time and has been badly damaged, you may need to move to a new mattress.

04. Limit the use of High Heels

Image by eloigomez_ from Pixabay

Sometimes women are accustomed to wearing high heels without any special purpose. I mean when you go to a party or when you become a bride or for a photo shoot (if you are a model) high heels can be an essential part of your outfit.

But I do not think it’s necessary to go to the office, to visit a friend, to go to the store. Therefore, try to use comfortable low-heeled sandals or flats at that time.

High heels will make any back-pain problem worse. They shorten the calf muscles, change your center of gravity, force you to overarch your back to keep from falling forward, pinch nerves, create trigger-point stress areas, and more.

05. Drink Plenty of Water

Image by Manuel Darío Fuentes Hernández from Pixabay

Water acts as a lubricant in our body, and it makes up saliva and the fluids surrounding the joints. Water regulates the body temperature and it also helps transporting nutrients to every area of the body.

Drink plenty of water to keep your organs functioning properly. But ‘plenty’ does not mean ‘too much’. It is advisable to drink 2-3 liters a day. Too much water can be dangerous to you health. It lowers sodium level, disrupts body’s electrolyte balance, leads to hyponatremia and etc.

06. Stretch your Back

Image by Keifit from Pixabay

When you feel a little pain in your back, you can try some back stretching exercises. It really helps you to relieve your back pain quickly.

Personally, I have tried cobra pose (Bhujangasana in yoga) and bridge pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana in yoga), they are very effective.

And there are many other back stretching exercises and poses like puppy pose, cat pose, down dog. You can easily find these poses online. Choose a few of them that are really suitable and easy for you to do.

07. Heat or Cold Therapy

Image by alsterkoralle from Pixabay

Heat therapy is used on stiff joints or chronic muscle and joint pain, it works by dilating the blood vessels stimulating blood flow and reducing muscle spasms.

Cold Therapy is applied to sprains, strains and bruises withing 24 to 48 hours after the injury occurred, it reduces swelling by constricting blood vessels and numbing pain.

Whether you are using heat or cold therapy, it is important not to exceed either treatment for more than 20 minutes at a time. And you need someone’s hand to do this treatment, doing it yourself can cause muscle pain because, when you go to do this by yourself, you have to do it with a little twist.

08. Maintain a Healthy Weight

Image by janeb13 from Pixabay

Do you know that you’re underweight or overweight? I have already written two article for those topics. If you think you are underweight, you can read this article, but if you think your are overweight because you are fat, then you can read this article.

Maintaining a healthy weight is very important in every way; being underweight can be caused by lack of nutrients, essential proteins and fats. And if you are overweight, it can be the result of consuming excessive amounts of unhealthy fats and carbohydrates.

If you are overweight, it causes high blood pressure, cholesterol, heart related problems as well as muscle pains. You can exercise regularly to maintain a healthy weight. Also, you need to focus on healthy foods.

Source: The 7-Day Back Pain Cure How Thousands of People Got Relief Without Doctors, Drugs, or Surgery – Jesse Cannone


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