8 Effective Ways to Lose Belly Fat Naturally

I’ve already written an article about how to get six pack abs and how to lose weight naturally. In this article we are going to discuss how to lose belly fat and unwanted, unhealthy fat in your body.

Read »» Get Six Pack Abs Easily within 30 Days at Home
Read »» 10 Effective Ways to Lose Weight Safely in 30 Days

These topics are almost identical, so sometimes you can find similar tips & tricks in these articles. But everything is for a healthy life. Stay healthy, Stay fit.

Here, we can discuss some home remedies, tips & tricks to lose belly fat naturally.

08 Effective Ways to Lose Belly Fat Naturally

01. Garlic with Bee Honey

Mountain Feed and Farm Supply

Cloves of garlic and bee honey are two amazing herbs to lose unhealthy fat in your abdomen. You can simply buy bottles of honey blended garlic from the supermarket, or make your own.

Garlic and honey are antibacterial and antiviral. And they are also good for high blood pressure, cholesterol and many other health problems.

Get about 25 or 30 cloves (lobes) of garlic and peel them all. Take a clean bottle that can be tightly closed and put the peeled garlic cloves in it. Then add some honey to it.

You can have one or two garlic cloves with honey once or twice a day. Remember to close the bottle tightly after opening it. Keep in a cool dry place away from ants.

Within three to four weeks you will be amazed at the results. It completely burns the fat that is bad for your health and also helps to keep your cholesterol level in the optimal range.

02. Lime or Lemon Juice

Image by Photo Mix from Pixabay

Lime water or Lime juice can reduce the risk of certain cancers, play a role in skin health, support weight loss, support immune functions and many more.

But if you suffer from gastritis, it is difficult to get these benefits from lime water because it is acidic. It can aggravate your stomach problems.

You can simply add lemon or lime to the water and drink it. You can add a pinch of salt and a pinch of sugar to make it more palatable.

03. Replace healthy oils with unhealthy oils

Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay

Many people think that coconut oil is high in cholesterol, but it is wrong. Coconut oil does not contain any cholesterol. So, does that mean cholesterol is healthy?

The answer is No. Although coconut oil does not contain cholesterol, it is high in saturated fat. It can cause your body to increase LDL levels.

So what are healthy oils and why are they considered healthy? A good question. Canola, corn, olive, safflower, sunflower, peanut, soybean oils can be considered healthy. Why? Because, they are high in unsaturated fat, not saturated fat.

Unsaturated fat can help your body to lower LDL levels and increase HDL levels. So, you can replace your one of these oils with your current cooking oil.

04. Avoid all Saturated Fats

Image by RitaE from Pixabay

Not only coconut oil, there are plenty of foods that contain more saturated fat than unsaturated fats. Saturated fat can increase LDL level or bad cholesterol levels in your body.

Therefore, try to avoid foods high in saturated fat, and focus on foods high in unsaturated fat. Many fried foods and fast foods are high in saturated fat, which is completely bad for your health in the long run.

As an example, butter, ghee, lard, cheese, some savory snacks, lamb, beef, french-fries, burgers are high in saturated fat. But avocado, peanut butter and oil, almonds, cashews contain unsaturated fat.

05. Fruits

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Fruits contain lot of vitamins, minerals and many other nutrients. Focus on getting more fruits per day is a good lifestyle habit.

Fruits play an important role in the health of your skin and are rich in minerals such as iron, magnesium, potassium and many vitamins for our body and they don’t contain carbs and unhealthy fat.

If you are a foodie, that means you love to eat so many foods in a short period of time. Try to eat more fruits instead of bad unhealthy foods.

It will improve your overall health, health of your skin, it is also good for your eyes, hair, nails and you can get many more benefits from fruits.

If you always want to eat something, eat one or two banana after your main meal. Because, bananas can delay the onset of hunger. So you can stay longer without a short meal after the main meal.

06. Reduce intake of Calories

Image by Andreas Lischka from Pixabay

Calories provide energy to perform well in day to day activities. But getting too many calories a day can make you obese.

If you get more calories than you burn, or if you get more calories than you need can make you fat. Because, when you eat too much calories, the body stores them as glycogen or fat to use at a later time.

Many people think that carbohydrates make you fat, but the cause is not carbohydrates, that is, high calories. Some foods high in carbohydrates are high in calories. But not all carbohydrate foods are high in calories.

As an example, 100 grams of bread contains 296 calories, 100 grams of rice contains 130 calories, 105 calories in 100 grams of boiled mung beans, 164 calories in 100 grams of boiled chickpeas. These values can be tolerated to some extent.

But look at these values, they are really high. Only one slice of cheese contains 113 calories, 402 calories in 100 grams of cheese. 100 grams of milk chocolate contains 542 calories, 246 calories in 100 grams of fried chicken.

Try to stay away from high calories, if you are a slothful person. But if you work hard all the day, please get more calories, because you need more energy to perform well.

07. Focus on Proteins

Image by vika-imperia550 from Pixabay

Why do we need protein? Every cell in the human body contains protein, which helps repair and build new tissue, produce hormones, and help you lose weight.

Proteins can build your muscles, but when you get protein from animal-based foods such as beef, lamb, pork, chicken, and turkey, we eat it by frying them. We use oil to fry them, which can increase the saturated fat and trans fat in foods that contain proteins.

That’s not good for your health, because it can increase the risk of heart problems and many other health problems. Keep that in mind when consuming such foods.

08. Do more exercises

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

Exercises are very important for a healthy life. What you eat is not a problem if you do lot of exercises. But it does not advise you to eat unhealthy foods.

When you do more exercises you can burn more calories, that means you burn unwanted fat in your body. When you burn unwanted fat, it naturally causes you to lose belly fat.

There are special exercises for the focused part of your body. If you need to shape up your hips, build your chest, build abs there are separate exercises designed specially for those body parts.


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