7 Best Ways to Discipline Your Child – Be a Modern Parent

Before we talk about how to discipline your child, let’s take a look at the environment and its influence. Do you think that the thieves, criminals, underworld leaders and murderers in today’s society are suddenly born?

Those people may have lived very innocently in the past. But the way they behave in the society is determined by the love, affection, respect and acceptance they have received from their family since childhood.

Some children get the worst kind of treatment from their parents and siblings. Some children lose their mother or father, sometimes both, when they are young. Some such children grow up with a stepmother, stepfather, other guardian or in orphanages. The misdeeds done to such children are endless.

Some children take extreme decisions like suicide when they are young. Some children become thieves at an early age. Some children get addicted to drugs, girls are abused by their step fathers and their guardians.

Also, some children are very mischievous and stubborn when they are young. The various methods used by parents to treat such children are very annoying. Some parents punish their children very severely. Do you think it is easy for a small child to bear this much stress?

Parents have to make a great commitment to bequeath a good person with high human virtues to the society. There are no bad kids, only bad behavior. But the main reason for this bad behavior is the example given to the child by the elders of the family.

Children get used to and incorporate into their lives what they hear, see and experience. If children get a bad example, hear bad words, see bad things, children will naturally become spoiled. Parents are responsible for that.

7 Ways to Discipline Your Child

Image by -Rita-👩‍🍳 und 📷 mit ❤ from Pixabay

Disciplining your child is not like disciplining a cow or a horse. It has to be done very delicately and patiently. So, let’s talk about how to discipline your child to make him a better person as a modern parent.

01. Give the Child Freedom

Many parents think that when children are given freedom, they go astray and misuse their freedom. But it really won’t happen if they are given freedom and taught to use that freedom properly.

When children are locked up with rules, they are more likely to commit wrongdoing. Now you say, if children are given freedom, they will behave worse and do wrong things. That’s how you trained the child in the beginning.

If you are a parent who has used rules to limit your child’s freedom from the beginning, giving your child freedom now is not something you should do suddenly. It has to be done very systematically and patiently.

But if you are a new parent looking for the right way to discipline your toddler, give your child some freedom as I say. Instead of suddenly restricting what the child is trying to do, let them do it and be careful not to let them get into trouble.

For example, if your child takes a knife and tries to cut something, instead of taking the knife away, give him a blunt knife and allow him to cut different things with it. Even if a child’s finger is cut, it will not do much harm. But through that, the child learns that the knife is a sharp thing. This should be used very carefully.

In the second step, we talk more about teaching the child to distinguish between right and wrong. However, when the child is given freedom under supervision in this way, he learns to understand many things on his own. It is very important.

Also, children learn many things, they learn to think freely, and their creativity can be enhanced when they are given the freedom they need. So never try to trap your child with rules and violate his freedom.

02. Teach Right from Wrong

Consider the example of the knife mentioned above. By giving the child freedom, the child understands the knife, what kind of thing the knife is, and how much damage it can do. When the child understands that, he will not play with the knife, he will not tease the knife.

Let’s turn this knife figuratively. If the knife represents bad, not-good, wrong things, when the child is allowed to try those wrong, not-good things under supervision, they will realize that it is wrong and the consequences are very bad.

Otherwise, they try the wrong thing in society. If your child does something wrong in society, you, the parents, will be blamed. Therefore, the child should be allowed to understand right from wrong under proper supervision.

Instead of giving verbal instructions and commands that what you are about to do is wrong, let your child do it to understand why it is wrong. When you tell him not to do something, the curiosity about it increases. Your child will try harder to do that.

You say your child is stubborn because he does the same thing no matter how much you say “don’t do it”. It is you who put your child in that situation. As the child’s curiosity increases, the desire to try it increases.

Also, teach him from childhood to understand society and people. Explain what society considers right and wrong. Show how society treats those who do bad things and how society respects those who do good things.

Teach the child to always do the right thing and stand up for the right thing without falling into any mistake. Teach the child from an early age to make the right decisions in life.

03. Share Ideas With the Child

To raise a good child, the mutual relationship and understanding between the child and the parents is very important. For that you need to hang out with the child. Play with the child, talk about different things with the child, ask the child’s opinion on different things.

Meanwhile, talk to your child about how you think about certain things, your vision, etc. Tell the child what you see as good, what you see as bad, what you like, what you don’t like, etc. Then your child will tell you about him. Then you can understand the way your child thinks, his likes and dislikes.

04. Explain Good Habits and Their Importance

Teach the child good habits from an early age. Teach the child about manners etc. Teach the child about the importance of those things and how to build a better image through them.

Also, explain to him how to understand whether a certain habit he has is a good habit or a bad habit. But it doesn’t matter how many good habits you tell your child if you don’t have them. Because they follow what they see with their eyes rather than the advice given to them. So, as a parent, always live as an example to your child.

05. Practice Self-discipline

To discipline your child, you have to instill self-discipline in him. Self-discipline is self-emphasis on living a life of right and good manners without doing wrong, not because of fear of any law, person or thing like fine or punishment.

For example, obeying your traffic laws should be a policy you have made within yourself. Whether there are police officers on the road or not, whether you get a fine or not, you must follow the traffic rules. That’s your self-discipline.

What this really means is to accustom one’s life to act upon a set of principles which one has imposed upon oneself. There, that person is able to escape from wrong activities and act as a very good person. In the same way, it becomes possible to work with determination based on one’s goals.

Your responsibility as a parent is to work hard to raise a principled child who understands right and wrong.

06. Give Recognition in the Family

As well as disciplining children, developing a child’s personality is very important in the matter of building a good child. As a parent, you have a huge role to play in building a child’s personality. For the development of the child’s personality, it is important to ask his opinion as mentioned above.

Also, the child should be given love, affection, respect and acceptance in the family. Give the child the opportunity to share his ideas with the family during family discussions. Through this, he will learn how to present his ideas and ideologies more systematically in society.

Also, let the child feel that the child’s ideas are very creative and that they are appreciated by the family. Also, if your child says something right, you should be humble enough as a parent to praise and accept it. Because the humility you show leads to the development of humble character in the child.

When the child realizes that his ideas are accepted in the family, he is motivated to do what is right and exemplary. Also, the child also becomes someone who respects the opinions of others. So give the child a good place in the family.

Through this, the child becomes a more upright, truthful and good citizen in the society. Otherwise, your child will have to face many injustices in the society. Also, the child will show a timid character in the society.

07. Do not Reprimand in front of Others

A serious mistake that many parents make is to reprimand their child in front of others. This can be a major cause of breaking the child’s personality. When you scold or punish a child in front of a group, it is a great shame for the child.

For this reason, he may become angry with you and disobey you. Therefore, never punish the child in front of a group, no matter how wrong or naughty he is. Take the child aside and make him understand his mistake and misbehavior personally.

To discipline your child, you have to be very patient and considerate. You must be a very loving person in the child’s mind. Otherwise, you will never be able to discipline your child if the child starts seeing you as a devil.

Conservative, outdated methods are not suitable for disciplining your child today. Try implementing these 7 methods very carefully on your child. Your child will surely be obedient and good child.


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