7 Easy Ways to Prevent Bad Body Odor

Our body emits various odors constantly. If our mouth is not cleaned daily, it will definitely smell of sandalwood. And it also emit a rose scent when we fart. How much does it smell if you don’t shower for a few days?

I just tried to tell you that your body naturally smells bad. That’s the nature. Your body does not naturally smell pleasant. But we can control it. We use expensive perfumes, mouth washes and deodorants; but it is not the real solution for bad body odor.

In this article, we are going to talk about the bad smell that comes from sweat. It can be due to various reasons. Let’s talk about them and easy ways to prevent or reduce bad body odor.

Why and How Bad Body Odor?

Natural human odors can also provide a significant source of information involving body processes. Common sources of human body odor include apocrine and eccrine bromhidrosis, halitosis, and vaginal odor, among others.

The most common of these conditions is axillary apocrine bromhidrosis. This condition in itself is characterized by excessive perspiration and excessive, usually offensive, odor emanating from the skin by the action of surface bacteria.

Perspiration itself actually has no odor. It’s only when sweat encounters bacteria on the skin that a smell can emerge.

Bromhidrosis patients, however, show concern not only about the foul odor, but also about the excessive sweating that frequently results in clothing discoloration.

Your body odor can change due to hormonal changes in your body, foods that you eat, infections, diseases and some medications. In this articles, we’re discussing some easy and simple ways to prevent or reduce bad body odor naturally at home.

7 Ways to Prevent Bad Body Odor

01. Use Antibacterial Soap

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Pick an antibacterial soap, such as Dial, Lifebuoy, or Lever 2000. These leave ingredients on your skin that kill bacteria even after you’re finished bathing. If the soap doesn’t irritate your skin, use it daily. If you find that these soaps are too drying, use them only on your underarms and groin, where you need their antibacterial power the most.

02. Alcohol or Hydrogen Peroxide

Image by Luisella Planeta Leoni LOVE PEACE 💛💙 from Pixabay

You can use isopropyl alcohol or normal hand sanitizer or hydrogen peroxide or vinegar for this. Wipe rubbing alcohol, vinegar, or hydrogen peroxide onto your underarms during the day to cut down the numbers of odor-causing bacteria. And you can also use baby colognes.

03. Baking Soda

Image by NatureFriend from Pixabay

Sodium Bicarbonate commonly known as Baking Soda. Dust baking soda or cornstarch on any odor-troubled part of your body. Both of these powders absorb moisture, and baking soda also kills odor-causing bacteria.

04. Shave Regularly

Image by Nicola Giordano from Pixabay

Shave regularly under your arms. Underarm hair can increase body odor because it traps sweat and bacteria.

05. Avoid Strong Smelling Foods

Image by Shutterbug75 from Pixabay

Some foods make your sweat more unpleasant. Reduce the consumption of onions, garlic, some fishes, durian and other strong or bad smelling foods.

06. Keep Your Clothes Clean

Image by Willi Heidelbach from Pixabay

Wash your shirts, t-shirts, underwears daily and wear them after fully dried. When you wear sweaty clothes for days, it gives off a strong smell and it can cause various skin allergies.

07. Reduce Stress Level

Image by 1388843 from Pixabay

When you’re under stress, your underarms secrete more sweat. Because, sweat is released from the apocrine glands (more apocrine glands are in the armpits, groins and area around the nipples of the breast) when you are under anxiety or stress.

You can use stress relieving music to reduce your stress level, or you can do meditations. And there more stress relieving method. You can try out one of it.


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