6 Simple Ways to Live a Healthy Lifestyle and Its Benefits

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is very important. When you get sick, you lose joy in your life. Also, when you are sick, you are in pain both physically and mentally. That is, for a healthy life, both physical and mental aspects should be better and healthier.

For this you have to restore different habits in your life with new habits. Some bad habits should be removed and new ones should be introduced. So your habits are important for everything. Your present life is built on the result of past habits, your future life is built on present habits.

Therefore, it is very important to add good productive habits to your life. Adding a new habit to your life is not that easy. It usually takes about 66 days to form a new habit.

A long held belief is that it takes at least 21 days to form a new habit. But recent research has proven that it usually takes about 66 days to form a new habit. So the previous story of 21 days is now a myth. But this time will vary depending on your pattern and what you want to practice. So don’t just base it on this time.

Let’s talk about some simple ways to live a healthy lifestyle and its benefits. We have focused on both your physical health and mental health. So by adapting these methods to your life, you can definitely live healthy.

6 Simple Ways to Live a Healthy Lifestyle

Photo by destiawan nur agustra: Pexels

I mentioned earlier that we have to get rid of certain habits, and we have to adopt new ones. First, let’s talk about what habits you should avoid and stop. These 6 methods are not individual methods and these are arranged in method clusters. That is, many things are mentioned in one method.

01. Don’t Smoke & Avoid Alcohol

Smoking and drinking alcohol are two of the leading causes of many serious diseases such as heart disease, lung disease, liver problems and various cancers. Why do you just get sick when you can live well?

Excessive alcohol consumption increases triglycerides in the body and raises the level of cholesterol in the blood. And when you drink a lot of alcohol, fat deposits in the liver. It causes conditions like alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Smoking impairs the function of your lungs and causes breathing problems, mouth cancer, etc. So if you want to live a healthy life, you have to stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

According to WebMD, whiskey has many health benefits, including lowering heart risk, lowering bad cholesterol levels, and lowering fats like triglycerides. But the health benefits can only be obtained if alcohol is consumed occasionally in very small quantities.

But regardless of these health benefits, you should pay attention to the potential health problems. Alcohol and cigarettes, marijuana, etc., any kind of smoking, do great harm to the body. So you stay away from them. If so, you will be able to avoid many possible diseases.

02. Avoid Processed Foods

There is a lot of fast food and processed food in the market today. They are very good at stimulating your taste buds. Once you eat such food, it tastes so good that you crave for it again.

Also, people today lead very busy lives and fast food like this is very convenient for them. But they do not consider the long-term damage to their health. Two of the major health problems seen in processed foods are cholesterol and high blood pressure.

Most fried foods are very high in saturated fat and trans fat. Long-term intake of these foods clogs blood vessels, which can lead to elevated cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, and heart attacks.

Reduce the consumption of foods like breakfast cereals, bread, savory snacks, bacon, sausage, cakes and biscuits, fried chicken, french-fries, onion rings, pizza, hot dogs as much as possible. These are very tasty foods, so it can be hard for you to stop thinking about them.

Eating this kind of food occasionally is not a problem at all. But you should be careful not to eat these foods frequently and make them staple foods.

03. Eat Nutritious Foods

To lead a healthy lifestyle, you should also adopt a nutritious diet while avoiding fast and processed foods. What are nutritious foods? Before that you need to understand what nutrients your body needs.

Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals (potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron) and calories are important for your body’s well-being. The benefits of each of these nutrients to your body are varied. So you should focus on getting a balanced diet that contains all these nutrients.

Let’s examine which foods contain these nutrients one by one. Starchy foods can give you more carbs and calories. These carbohydrate-rich foods provide the energy you need to perform your daily activities better.

But remember, if you are someone who does not work hard, it is not advisable to consume foods with a lot of carbohydrates. A woman should get between 1,600 and 2,400 calories a day and men between 2,000 and 3,000 calories a day.

Generally, 45-65% of total calories are provided by carbohydrate-containing foods. Generally, 200 to 300 grams of carbs per day is sufficient.

Protein is mostly contained in foods obtained from animals. Foods like chicken, mutton, beef, pork, milk, eggs, cheese, fish, prawns and lobster are rich in protein. Some of the foods here are designated by me as bad foods in the second step.

The reason is because of how we cook these foods. Most meat and fish are prepared by frying. Then they get a high amount of body fat. Most of these fats are saturated fats. As they accumulate in the blood vessels, the walls of the blood vessels become thick and the blood vessels become thin.

When considering these reasons, you need to understand something. That is, it is not good to get anything unnecessarily. That’s why I mentioned at the beginning of this step that you should eat a balanced diet. Any food should be taken in moderation for the body.

Vitamins and minerals are abundant in plant foods. That means, vegetables, green leafy vegetables, fruits etc. contain vitamins and minerals in abundance.

For example, carrots, broccoli, spinach, Alternanthera sessilis, Centella asiatica, cauliflower, eggplant (brinjals), pumpkin, okra, bitter gourd, jackfruit, breadfruit etc. are very beneficial vegetables. Fruits like bananas, grapes, mangoes, avocados, guavas, mangosteens, oranges are also very good foods.

04. Do Regular Exercises

After eating well, it is not good to sit idle. In that case, no matter how much good and healthy food you eat, you will not be able to get the right results.

Now the excuse you are telling is that you don’t have time to exercise. It is nothing but your lack of passion and interest. If you try, you will be able to set aside at least 15 minutes of exercise each day. If not, at least one hour a week should be set aside for exercise.

You are not doing this for anyone else, but for yourself. So, set aside a little time each week to do some exercise. It is very helpful in improving your health and maintaining body flexibility and shape.

05. Have a Good Sleep

Healthy sleep is something that can refresh the body. When any machine is continuously working, its parts quickly wear out, become less effective and eventually become inoperable. It’s the same with your body, overexerting yourself can quickly tire it out and reduce its effectiveness.

So you have to get a minimum of six hours of sleep or between 8 and 10 hours of healthy sleep. But some people sleep about 4 hours a day and are very active. Most of the time, they are highly motivated and dedicated to their goals.

They do not think about the damage to their body and only prioritize their purpose. Some people are active for 20 to 22 hours a day. It is a foolish act to sleep without any purpose and without thinking about the health of the body.

But if you do so for the sake of a strong determination, I wish you luck, because those who work hard in this way will be blessed to live a very free life in the future. After achieving a successful life, you can sleep freely.

However, try to sleep for a significant amount of time every few days. Because sleep is very important to maintain our mental and physical health.

06. Relax Your Mind

Maintaining good physical health alone is not enough for a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle means both physical and mental well-being. If so, for that you should keep your mind very free and relaxed.

There are many things you can do to keep your mind at ease. If you are someone who thinks about things in an unnecessary way, avoid that habit. Don’t lose the present moment by always thinking about problems. You will not get this moment again.

So, get used to living in the moment in reality. We use a very beautiful term for this, that is “mindfulness”. Mind-full and mindful are two different things. Most people are used to living with a mind full of problems and past events rather than living mindfully.

Don’t be that person, be someone who lives in the moment. Additionally, you can practice meditation to free your mind. If you are someone who is suffering from mental stress, we have provided many practical ways for that in the article called “12+ Scientifically Proven Ways to Relieve Stress“.

Benefits of a Healthy Lifestyle

01. Absence of Diseases

The main thing that can be achieved by living a healthy lifestyle is the absence of diseases. When you get sick, you suffer a lot both physically and mentally. So no disease means that you can keep both your body and mind healthy.

02. Financial Benefits

The second benefit of living a healthy lifestyle is the financial gain it brings. When you get sick, how much do you pay for doctors and medicine? When you reduce your risk of disease by adopting a healthy lifestyle, you also reduce the amount of money you have to spend on doctors and medicines. Also, by adopting the above habits, you will save money on cigarettes and alcohol.

03. Happiness in Life

You can live a very happy life when you have a healthy body and mind free from illness and have money in hand. By incorporating good habits into life, many problems can be avoided. Not only you, your family is also happy when you are healthy. When you get sick and suffer, it hurts the family too.


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