5 Ways to Deal with an Atheist as a Religious Person

Who is an Atheist?

Atheists are people who do not believe in God, do not believe that there is a part of living things called God, do not believe that the world was created by an omnipotent God, and believe that people’s lives are not influenced by a group of living things called God.

Why Do People Choose Atheism?

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Even many religious people can be seen to become atheists over time. There can be various reasons for this. Since this is entirely based on faith, a person’s loss of faith in God may motivate them to become an atheist.

Also, another main reason is lack of evidence. That is, the lack of sufficient evidence at an acceptable level to say that God exists.

Today we live in an era where the world is moving forward with science and technology. God, God’s stories, God’s power, God’s miracles do not correlate with modern science. The fact that these things cannot be proven by science and technology may lead modern society to embrace atheism.

5 Ways to Deal with an Atheist

When living in society, you get to associate with various people. Their opinions and ideologies are different. Even if you know some people after meeting them often, you don’t know what their thoughts and opinions are when you meet them for the first time.

However, if you know someone who is an atheist. Let’s take a look at the things you should pay attention to when dealing with him.

01. Decide on a Topic to Talk About

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When dealing with an atheist, it is wiser not to discuss topics involving religious ideologies. Instead, you can use a topic like about technology, about the country’s economy, about politics.

When talking to an atheist, try to minimize the subject of God and religious beliefs. Also, do not bring up points that attack or criticize his ideas in your speech.

Decide the topic of conversation before entering into a conversation with an atheist. And make sure to stay within the relevant topic until the end of the story. Then you can have a very friendly conversation with the atheists. Otherwise, there is a clash of ideologies.

02. Respect His Opinion

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If, no matter how much you try to talk about something else, he continues to present his atheist views, listen to them carefully. Let him feel that you value his ideas.

The biggest problem some atheists have is that no one listens to them. Because some societies are built in strict religious environments.

In such cases, people like atheists are marginalized from social systems. Listening to such people in such situations can be a matter of great relief to them.

Do not create a conflict of opinion at any time. Try to listen and give value to other’s opinions and ideologies.

03. Don’t Try to Prove That Only Your Religion is Right

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Why should religions exist in the world? As I see it, religions should exist in the world to protect the harmony and peace of the world and to develop high human qualities in people.

If people are divided into religions and get into conflict, then that religion is useless. No matter what religion people follow, the superiority of human qualities in them should be appreciated.

That is, people should not exalt their religion, but human characteristics. Some people think that only their religion is right and all other religions are wrong. Also, their religion is the highest religion, other religions are inferior religions.

Even though you are divided into religions, religious leaders never divided into religions. They only taught people to live peacefully.

Jesus is neither Christian nor Catholic. Allah is not Muslim. Buddha is not a Buddhist. Lord Shiva is not Hindu. It was their followers who actually built the religions.

The religious leaders wanted people to live simply, peacefully, happily and easily. Therefore, if an atheist shows high human qualities, try to appreciate him as a religious person.

04. Show Your Superior Qualities According to Your Religion

Image by Sven Lachmann from Pixabay

Some atheists are very educated, peaceful and humble people while some atheists are quite rude, confrontational and argumentative.

However, as a religious person, you must prove that you have incorporated many good things from your religion into your life, not by words but by actions.

Allowing others to speak, being able to listen carefully to their ideas, presenting one’s ideas more intelligently and peacefully, being humble, admitting when you are wrong, are the most highly respected human traits.

When such traits are reflected in you, it adds prestige to you, your personality, religion and social status. Therefore, if you want to show that your religion is superior to an atheist, the best thing is to show it in action.

05. End the Conversation Briefly

Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay

If the other person is an atheist who can’t discuss ideas more openly and neutrally, and ends up getting offended or confrontational, it’s best to end the discussion briefly.

If possible, try to avoid such people, or end the conversation with a word or two and say goodbye to them. It is not wise to start discussing many long topics with such people.


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