10 Ways to Treat Your Girlfriend Right and Make Her Happy

Getting a girlfriend is not an easy task. Also, it’s more difficult to treat your girlfriend right and maintain that relationship for a long time. Because girls change very quickly. They feel sad quickly. Also, they accumulate even your small mistakes in their mind.

Sometimes she reminds you of something that happened a long time ago and blames you. That’s the way girls are. Also, if you try to use the tricks you used for one girl on another girl, you will be in trouble. Because girls are very different from each other.

Many things like what they like, what they expect in love, how they behave in love are different from each other. If you understand your girlfriend’s likes and dislikes and what she expects from you, she will stick with you for a long time.

Let’s see how to behave and treat a girl in a way that will win her heart.

10 Ways to Treat Your Girlfriend Right

Image by 5688709 from Pixabay

01. Kiss the Forehead & Hug

No matter how sensual a girl is, she melts when you kiss her forehead. So when you meet her or say goodbye to her, kiss her forehead lovingly and hug her to your chest. She will love it.

But don’t always do this. If that happens, she will lose its value and not feel it. So give her that love when she expects it from you. Also, if she shows any reluctance, never force a kiss or hug.

Maybe if you do that in public places and she is embarrassed, then don’t ever do it. Kiss her only when she is comfortable.

02. Protect Her

She wants to feel safe whenever she is with you. Because a woman always expects the protection she needs from a man. Also, she should see you as brave. Then she feels safe.

She needs to feel that you are with her in any problem or trouble. Then she will be very close to you. Also, she gets used to thinking that she has nothing to fear because you are protecting her.

03. Listen to Her

Usually girls are a bit talkative. But not everyone is like that, there are very quiet girls. However, they like others to listen to them. So, cut back on your talking and let her do the talking. There you can also know a lot about her.

Through that, you can understand well what her likes and dislikes are. So, listen to her carefully when she says something. Let her know you value her stories.

04. Respect Her Thoughts

This step can be pointed out as an extension of listening to her. Just listening to her is not enough. You should understand her thoughts, her opinions, ideologies, her vision.

Also, you should show that you value those things and respect her and her thoughts. They sometimes say very childish things. But avoid making fun of her in such cases. A little behavior like that from you is enough to make her totally upset with you.

Also, if you hope to go on a long journey with her, it is very important to understand her thoughts. Either you can match your thoughts with hers. Or, you can realize the incompatibility between you and her and move away significantly.

05. Empathy

Sometimes she doesn’t tell you everything in words. You have to be empathetic enough to understand even what she is not saying. That way, you have to have a good understanding of what she doesn’t even say.

Also, you should understand her wants and needs well. In that case, you should be able to understand what she expects from you even if she doesn’t tell you. Also, at that time you should behave and you should treat her as she expects from you.

06. Be a Noble Gentleman

You may be a jokester. While it may be good at times, it may not always be appropriate. A girl or a woman never expects a jokester, a fool, a coward. Many girls want a gentleman to be their boyfriend.

You should have such personality that she can introduce you to anyone. Also, you should be a principled and responsible person. Don’t be too naïve and easygoing in front of her. Also, don’t get too complicated and serious.

Some girls don’t like guys who are too easygoing and simple-minded, and some girls don’t like guys who take life too seriously. So live optimally in the middle of both the scenarios.

Also, if she feels that you are a person who lives with the respect and acceptance of others, she will be proud of you. Then she feels greedy to lose you. So always act like a gentleman with good manners and virtues.

07. Show that You Care About Her

Girls like to have a partner who cares about her and looks out for her. But this should in no way interfere with her freedom and personal life. If so, she would be harassed. So take care of her so that her freedom is not hindered. And let her feel it.

08. Make Her Want You in Her Life

With the things mentioned above, you should create an atmosphere in her mind that she cannot live without you. You must be her only savior. You should be her only confidant. You should be her only love.

Somehow she wants to feel that you are essential in her life. If so, she will never try to break up with you. Make her so helpless that she can’t live without you. But if you do that, don’t ever think of leaving her. Because if that happens, she might mess up her own life.

If you truly love her, try to be the most valuable, highest place in her life. Also, always keep the trust that she placed.

09. Be Honest

Always be honest with her. Don’t lie to her, under any circumstances. If she catches even one of your lies, she will doubt you after that. If she has doubts, she will then look at you with suspicion. Once a doubt is created, it is not so easy to dispel it.

So, never do anything that will make her doubt you. Win her trust and always be honest with her.

10. Surprise Her

Some girls can be made very happy and comforted by even the smallest things. Not every girl expects expensive things to be happy.

If something is expensive, she will definitely be happy. But an ice cream is enough to make a girl happy. Or, something like a handkerchief or a scarf is enough to mark a great memory of you in a girl’s mind.

But it can vary with your and her culture, social environment, religious matters etc. In some cultures, women have a very low status. In such a case, she may not have space to use a lot of fancy things, clothes, jewelry etc.

In such cases, if you give her some kind of gift to surprise her, she will be in trouble rather than being surprised by it. So, if you give a gift or do something to surprise her, it should be done considering her thoughts, pattern, religion, social class, culture etc.

However, be sure to surprise her occasionally. Otherwise, she may find your relationship boring. Also, always do whatever you can to make her happy.


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