10 Ways to Have a Better Conversation

In this article, let’s talk about the tips and tricks you should use to maintain a better conversation. You need to have a better understanding of these things to become a better conversationalist. By maintaining these things during your conversation, you can build a more productive and interesting conversation.

Depending on the person we are talking to, the things we talk about, the style of speaking, the language we speak, the words, everything changes. It should also be kept in mind while having a conversation.

But in this article, we will not focus on such things, but how the conversation can be boring, the various mistakes you make that make it uninteresting for the other person to talk with you, and how to avoid them.

10 Ways to Have a Better Conversation

Image by Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay

01. Maintain Pleasant Facial Expressions

Your facial expressions are very important for an interesting conversation. When you talk, if your face looks tired or dissatisfied, the other person will not want to talk to you.

Because then the other person’s mind will develop a bad attitude about you. So make a pleasant look on your face. Even if you maintain a blank, neutral, expressionless face, it should not be gloomy.

But do not try to express feelings falsely and unnecessarily. The other person will feel that it is fake. Do not make facial expressions that indicate reluctance to talk to the other person.

02. Pay Attention to the Contact

When a person is talking to you, do not talk to that person while doing other work. It reflects that you are not very interested in listening to that person’s talk.

So, stop whatever you are doing and practice paying attention to the person. If you are doing very important work, politely ask for time to finish it and talk to him / her as soon as possible.

When you talk while doing other things, it shows not your busyness but the value you provide to the other person.

Imagine that when you try to talk to someone, that person ignores you and goes about his business, how would you feel? So when someone is talking to you, pay attention to that person.

Then a more intimate and interesting conversation can be built. But if he’s someone you don’t want to talk to, learn to politely decline that too.

03. Be a Good Listener

Another aspect of paying attention to the person is listening carefully and attentively to the person’s talk. Only if you listen to his story, that person will have the desire to continue to tell you that story.

So listen carefully when that person talks. Then you can understand the mood of that person at that time. You can also get an idea of whether the person is sad, happy or frustrated and what the person is trying to tell you.

If the other person is talking too much, limit your speech as much as possible and give the other person a chance to talk. While listening to his story, you can ask questions as it flows through his story.

04. Respect the Other Person’s Opinion

In a conversation, don’t just be right about your own opinion. That is not the mark of a good conversationalist. You also have to accommodate the other person’s ideas.

Even if you don’t agree with his views, don’t mock his views. If he is someone who thinks his opinions are right, it is better not to talk to such people. Because in going to talk with such people for a long time, conflict situations may arise.

Don’t laugh when the other person makes a point. It is very bad behavior. If the other person is in a misunderstanding, try to correct that person systematically.

Getting angry at other people’s opinions and using angry words are not the characteristics of a good conversationalist.

05. Choose an Interesting Topic

When we talk to each person, the things we talk about are different. When talking to another person or several people, always choose a topic that is interesting to that person or group and to you.

Do not choose to talk about controversial topics. It can cause heartbreak. Otherwise, conflicting situations may arise.

We are not talking to another person to fight. So, talk about something interesting and useful for both. If so, you will be able to start and end the conversation happily.

06. Don’t Repeat

Some people say the same thing over and over again. It is very unsatisfactory. So don’t repeat the same story.

Maybe it’s something you’ve done, maybe it’s an experience you’ve gained, whatever it is, don’t repeat the same thing over and over again.

07. Don’t Equate Your Experience With Theirs

It is the habit of some people to tell the same experience as the other person. When the other person says something that happened to him, don’t go and say that something similar or even more happened to you.

His experience will not be your experience. The way he faces things is different, the way you face things is different, the way you solve problems is different, the people who are there for help are different.

So don’t try to equate their experiences with yours. In a way, you are making fun of and belittling their experience. So try to listen to that person when he tells about some experience. Then tell your experience only if it feels necessary, only if it is important.

08. Control the Volume & Voice

Learn how to adjust your voice and volume according to the place, person and topic. Identify the things that should be said loudly, things that should be said slowly, things that should be said softly, things that should be said in a low voice.

It is also very important to maintain a better conversation. Imagine if you speak loudly in a very quiet place, it is just noise.

If something to be said emotionally is said loudly or angrily, then the other person does not feel the relevant feeling. So learn to master your voice and volume when talking.

We have talked about this matter in our “8 Effective Tips to Overcome Public Speaking Anxiety” article. If you’re interested, you can read that article as well.

09. Don’t Lie

If you don’t know the answer to a question the other person is asking, don’t hesitate to say “I don’t know”. Don’t lie to cover up your ignorance. It damages your credibility. The other person will perceive you as a liar. Then a better conversation cannot be built.

So don’t lie in any way. On the one hand, it is also a good human virtue. A person who lies cannot be trusted at all. Also, a person who lies can do any despicable thing. So develop high human virtues. Always speak the truth.

10. Be Brief

Sometimes long stories are very boring. So keep what you have to say short, simple and clear. But don’t show the other person that you don’t want to talk to that person. Being brief does not mean speaking carelessly and reluctantly.

State the relevant point more succinctly. Talk at length only if the other person expects a long explanation.


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