10 Secrets to Live a Happy Life – True Happiness in Life

Before getting to the point of true happiness in life and how to live a happy life, it is very important to understand yourself. I would like to divide your life into two parts. One is the physical part and the other is the spiritual part.

That is, all the things that cause happiness or sadness in your life can be pointed out under these two parts. No matter how hard you try to say it isn’t, I can prove it. But in the end, the sadness or happiness of everything in life belongs to the spiritual side.

What is Spirituality?

Image by Okan Caliskan from Pixabay

You may not be familiar with the word spiritual. Spiritual means related to your mind which is not physical. Apart from that, spirituality is not some super or supernatural power. Spirituality is your inner mental emotions.

The inner mental environment within oneself, beyond the things that are normally present, experienced, and felt, is called spirituality.

You simply think everything, come to conclusions and conclude. But, spirituality is a state of seeking an inner comfort, relaxation, a solution, an answer beyond that. This is the nature where you try to see some meaning and depth about life, the world and the universe.

Now you must understand why I have considered this spirituality as a part of your life. Have you ever wondered why you live in this world? Why were you born? What is your purpose in life and living? Have you ever thought about these things?

Whether you think it or not, you have some connection with these things. Your life should have some meaning. Your birth must have some meaning. Your life should have some meaning. The nature that realizes all this is the spiritual life.

This is a rather deep and complex concept. This can be pointed out as a concept that has been socialized through religions and is now more developed with western scientific and philosophical knowledge.

What is Mind?

Photo by Pixabay: Pexels

Without talking about the mind, we cannot talk about spirituality. Because the mind is the bridge to the spiritual life. Spirituality is a kind of more developed state of mind.

This is why most of the people are used to seeing this spirituality as something supernatural. When some people hear the word spirituality, they think that they will be able to travel through time, float in the sky, or have some magical power.

It is very important to understand these concepts well when talking about happiness in life. So let’s explore this mind a bit.

Your mind is the strangest thing in the universe. It is very difficult to recognize and understand. The nature of the mind can never be understood based on the physical.

Have you ever seen the mind? Have you ever heard that it has a shape, a color? At least you know that there is one, but where is it? Mind is not a physical thing at all. So some people think that there really is no such thing as mind or consciousness (Consciousness is something that needs to be talked about separately. Let’s talk about the mind first).

Mind is non-physical. The computer or phone you are using to read this article is a physical device. But the apps and operating system in it are not physical things. But even if you can’t touch those things, you know they’re on the device.

The mind is like that. The mind is a very subtle nature. It interferes with everything you do and say. You do everything on your phone through a program designed for it. This is the same as that. But you will not be able to recognize your mind and its functions. Because it is so subtle.

Let me explain this further. How do you become aware of anger? How does one become aware of the emergence, existence and disappearance of various states of happiness, sadness, etc.? All this happens with the intervention of the mind.

You do anything under the influence of subtle, medium or strong intention. When you get a medium or high involvement of the mind, you can easily recognize it, but you are not able to perceive a subtle involvement of the mind.

The researchers note that the mind is based on the brain, but does not show any specific location. Accordingly, we can interpret the mind as a nature connected with the functioning of the brain.

Brain function may not be important for everything in the body. For example, the heart beats without the brain. But the brain can interfere with everything to make it better or mess it up. So, the mind is also important to keep your brain functioning properly.

You may be wondering why I am mentioning these things. To have a happy life, our mind is a very important part. Therefore, you should know about it and understand it.


Since we came across the word consciousness above, let’s talk a little about it. In Buddhism, there is a very deep and controversial explanation for this. But I do not intend to describe it here. Because it extends to many other scopes.

Consciousness, simply defined, is the awareness of what is happening, existing, and sensing, both internally and externally.

What is Happy Hormone?

Dopamine hormone is called the happy hormone. Dopamine is released when the brain responds to a reward. Dopamine causes more energetic pleasure in the presence of certain pleasurable situations. Also, people with low dopamine levels suffer from depression and other mood disorders.

Therefore, it is very important to maintain this dopamine hormone at an active level for happiness in life. Otherwise, you will feel bored with life.

What is Happiness in Life?

The way of interpreting happiness in life is different from each other. Everyone wants to enjoy life. No one wants to live in misery. Everyone dreams of a beautiful life. But many people do not get the life they hope for.

Buddha preached that “happiness is the ultimate wealth”. See how valid that statement is. No matter how much money, cars and houses you have, if you are not happy, they are worthless.

How do you see happiness in life? Some people find happiness in a luxury vehicle. Others find their happiness in a big house, promotions, positions, bank balances, accolades, privileges, recognition, expensive jewelry etc.

Among them there are some people who seek happiness in simple things like helping someone, giving food to someone, sharing knowledge with someone etc. Such people often seem to be happier than those who have more money, exotic cars and luxury houses.

Therefore, first of all, you should understand what makes you happy. You can achieve a happy life only if you understand that. Otherwise, you will have to live your life with regrets all the time.

Is happiness eternal?

This is the most important question. Can happiness last forever? or is happiness eternal? Simple answer, No. Happiness is not eternal. But suffering is eternal. This is not something I say, this is preached by the Buddha.

You may be thinking why I am explaining the facts of Buddhism. Because Gautama Buddha has preached more extensively and profoundly about attaining infinite happiness and comfort in life. Actually, Buddhism is not a religion based on a set of beliefs.

Throughout Buddhism there is a journey to find true happiness in life. Those who do not understand that truth, live under various absurd beliefs.

According to Buddhism, suffering is something we inherit. Why are you reading this article? Because you are suffering. Otherwise the happiness in your life has faded by now. So, why do you suffer?

You are suffering all these things because you were born. You have to accept it.

Now you can understand why I mentioned at the beginning of the article that everything ultimately comes down to the spiritual part of life.

But beyond that, Buddhism cannot be used to explain this. Because people have different beliefs and faiths. Buddhism is a doctrine that considers rebirth. But if you are someone who does not believe in reincarnation, your beliefs may be challenged by the teachings of Buddhism.

Therefore, let’s stop the story by remembering only that you are suffering all these things today because of birth. We will talk about interesting things in Buddhism in a separate article. Now let’s talk about ways to achieve happiness in life.

Secrets to Live a Happy Life

01. Have a Purpose

First you need to give meaning to your life. For that, the first thing to do is to have a purpose in life. That means, you should have a proper understanding and idea about where you will be at a specific time in the future of your life.

Think carefully and create an achievable goal that fits your life. Then the basic foundation needed to live your life meaningfully is created.

02. Create a Plan

It is not enough to have a purpose to live a meaningful life. To achieve that goal, you must have a well-prepared plan. Create a more systematic plan for your life by taking into account your time, the uncertainty of the future environment, your abilities, talents, weaknesses, opportunities, obstacles etc.

It should be clearly stated when you will reach the relevant objectives. This will make your life more economical and productive.

03. Make the Most of Your Time

Making the most of your time does not mean working 24 hours a day like a robot. Making the most of time means managing time so that every minute is used effectively and not wasted.

Time is your most valuable asset. Unless you understand that, you will waste your precious time on many unnecessary things and for many unnecessary people.

Those who understand the value of time and make the most of it spend their time happily and easily. But those who don’t understand it get unnecessarily busy and tired in life.

How long does a person live on average? Lives about 75 years on average. When you say that in years, it feels like a long time. But if this is calculated in days, how many days are there? On average there are about 27,000 to 28,000 days.

That’s not the problem, but if you’re currently between 20 and 30 years old, you’ve already wasted almost 10,000 days. That’s not the problem, but if you’re currently between 30 and 40 years old, you’ve already wasted almost 15,000 days.

Generally, if you have not achieved success and stability in your life at least by the age of 40 or 45, do you expect to live your life happily and comfortably after losing your physical strength?

So, enjoy life while you are healthy. Don’t think about enjoying life when you get old. For that you definitely have to make the most of the time.

04. Choose What You Like

One of the most important things to be happy in life is to choose the things you like and own the things you like. For this you have to decide what things you really like.

Make choices according to your preferences, whether it’s the school you choose, your friends, your field of study, your university, your job, your life partner, the car you buy, your house, etc. Otherwise, you will have to live with great reluctance, worry and regret. So don’t be hasty in making any choice. Make a choice after considering the facts carefully.

05. Make the Network Smaller

When your social network becomes too large, it can also have a negative impact on your happiness in life. Maintaining a large number of social contacts is not easy. You may miss some people there. Then they will take offence and sad with you.

The smaller the social network, the easier it is to maintain those connections. So, limit your friendships to a limited number. Also, approach only the best, virtuous, friendly and honest people.

06. Build Trust

Mutual trust is very important in maintaining social relations. Trust is not easy to build, but it takes very little time to break or lose trust. Therefore, it is very important in life to build reliable relationships.

If you have a friend who will protect any secret, how much strength is that for you? How lucky is it to have a friend who can listen to any of your troubles? So to get such a friend, there should be good friendship, understanding and trust between both of them.

07. Develop Good Values & Ethics

If you are a bad, lying, cheating person, will people accept you? Then people try to stay away from you as much as possible. When you are such a person with no morals, no values, the same very inferior people will be close to you.

Also, when you are a deceitful, wicked, and lying person, people often find fault with you, criticize you, and blame you. But if you are rich with precious values and virtues, everyone will praise you, everyone will respect you and appreciate you.

Think about it, how happy can you live when you are a character that everyone respects and loves? Because then the negative effects coming to you from outside are very minimal.

08. Face the Truth to Live a Happy Life

No matter how beautiful the lie, no matter how bitter the truth, always stand for the truth. Don’t lie to anyone. People will hate you once they know the truth. So speak the truth, no matter how hurtful it may be.

Also, in life you don’t always get what you want, what you love, what you hope for. Things you don’t like and things you reject will come to you at various times and you will have to experience them. That is the nature of life.

09. Don’t be an Extremist

Don’t be extreme about anything. Even if it’s a joy, know the limits. Even if it’s sad, know the limit and deal with it. In the world, you have to face all things like sorrow and happiness, reproach and praise, gain and loss, good and bad.

That is the nature of your life in this world. Even many celebrities are insulted by some people at various times. In all those situations, one should get used to being moderate. Don’t get too happy or too sad about anything. It is the understanding of life.

Not everyone holds the same views and ideologies. Then you should get used to listening to other people’s views and ideologies. Also, in presenting your ideas and ideologies, you should be able to present them in a way that does not underestimate the ideologies of others.

Always be neutral in dealing with everything and making decisions.

10. Become Stronger Through Failures

There can be many ups and downs in life. You may face many failures. But do not be discouraged by them in any case. Let each of your mistakes help you make the next step more accurate and stronger.

Happiness in life depends on how you see life. Sometimes your happiness depends on the simplest things. Understand those things. Don’t create problems. Be simple, humble and honest. Then the sorrows in your life will be greatly reduced and you will be able to have a happy life and relaxed life.


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