10 Proven Ways to Stop Procrastinating

You are already a procrastinator. That’s why you’re looking for ways to stop procrastinating. So this article tells you how to overcome procrastination and become more productive.

There are a few things we need to unpack before we talk about stopping procrastination. What is procrastination and how to recognize it? Are there any advantages? What are the disadvantages? Let’s get a clear understanding about the things.

What is Procrastination?

Procrastination is knowing that there are many things to be done, but putting them off without doing any of them. There may be advantages here, but overall there are only disadvantages.

Procrastination causes all the work to pile up. Then it becomes difficult to understand where and how to start work. Everything comes to a chaotic level.

When all the work piles up, it becomes boring to start doing work. Can’t decide which work to start first. Procrastination results in a backlog of unfinished work accumulating day by day.

Understand the Value of Time

People tend to procrastinate because they don’t understand the true value of time. The previously written article “10 Effective Study Tips – Smart and Practical Ways” also mentions this. If you are still studying, you can read that article.

If asked what is the most valuable thing in the world, it is time. You can buy a watch with money, but you can’t buy time with money. All you can do is use your time more effectively and efficiently. It saves minutes and can be used for other work.

You can’t get back wasted time. You cannot accumulate time and use it later. No matter what you do or do nothing, time cannot stop.

On average, a human lives for 27,500 days. If you are now over 20 years old, more than 7,500 days have been spent. There are about 20,000 days left. You have 11,000 days left to work. Because then comes the old age of life.

When you spend the day in a useless way without doing any work, you will also unknowingly pass those 11,000 days and you will reach the old age of life.

Then you can’t get time back. You may lose enough physical strength to work from then on. Then you will have nothing to do but regret. So work as hard as you can and don’t waste time.

Causes of Procrastination

01. Lack of Purpose in Life

There are many reasons for procrastination and one of the main reasons can be that a person does not have a definite purpose in life.

A person without a purpose in life has no goals to achieve. So such a person steers the boat in the direction it is going and does not try to change the direction.

So that person often tries to spend time without work. Because such a person has no important work to do, no definite work.

If you are procrastinating for this reason, the first thing you need to do is create a definite purpose for your life.

02. Not Having a Work Plan

If you have a definite purpose for your life and the future, your problem may be that you don’t have a proper work plan.

When there is no work plan it is difficult to know what work to start. Accordingly, time management is difficult. So time just passes by.

If this is the problem you have, what you need to do is create a systematic work plan. It is discussed below.

03. Excessive Laziness

If you have a purpose in life and a work plan, the next major reason for procrastination is excessive laziness.

Laziness is a useless trait that people are born with. Humans are naturally prone to laziness. Almost everyone likes to laze around without doing any work. No one likes to work hard.

But you have seen people who have made it a habit to work hard. It has happened because of their constant habit of being engaged in work over a period of time.

Such people are always looking for some work and trying to engage in it. It is very boring for those people to spend time without work.

However, being lazy doesn’t automatically get your work done. Laziness causes work to pile up. Only if you work without being lazy, you will be able to finish the work / duties one by one.

04. Feeling Bored

The personal nature that comes with laziness is to feel bored. Also then you start feeling that life has no meaning. If life has no meaning then why work and you feel that work is pointless.

Every work to be done there becomes very boring. Work becomes completely unsatisfying. Try as much as possible to not work and postpone.

05. Distraction

If all four of the above are not applicable, the reason why you are procrastinating may be various external obstacles and distractions that come your way.

Clearly identify the barriers, distractions or obstacles that cause procrastination. Then remove them one by one and out of your way.

06. Lack of Confidence in Abilities

You may be feeling frustrated or insecure about your abilities and talents. Even in such cases you try to skip work. So identify your abilities and talents. Also, be confident in what you can do.

07. Fear of Failure and Criticism

When you lack confidence in your abilities and talents, you face the uncertainty of failure. Then the fear of failure sets in and you procrastinate. Also, the fear of being blamed and criticized for failure arises in you.

Do the relevant work without fear of being successful or not. Also, face the criticism of others without fear. Because, if you don’t do the work, you will never succeed. So you have to do the work to know if you pass or fail.

Also, even if you do the work and fail, people will blame you even if you leave the work without doing it. People are waiting to see your mistakes and criticize them. So don’t be discouraged by those things.

08. Lack of Self-discipline

Another factor that contributes to procrastination is lack of self-discipline. That is, the inability to continue a work started and the lack of well-established disciplines.

Self-discipline can be simply defined as the ability to control oneself. Lack of self-discipline can be described as not being able to identify, regulate and maintain one’s thoughts and emotions and not being able to control oneself without rules and regulations.

09. Perfectionism

Perfectionism is the belief that oneself is perfect in every way and that one is superior and held to high personal standards.

This is not a mental disorder but can lead to many mental disorders. When a person thinks of himself in this way, he wonders what he is still working for. Because they evaluate themselves as the most perfect person.

10. Acceptance of Defeat

This can be pointed out as the worst reason among these 10 reasons. A person’s acceptance of defeat is truly the end of his journey. After that he gives up everything.

He begins to see himself as a failure. He thinks of himself as a useless person who cannot do anything. They confirm that this is the highest level they can go in life.

Thinking that he can go no further, he surrenders voluntarily. Don’t be like that. Don’t be discouraged by anything. Don’t give up for any reason.

Negative Consequences of Procrastination

  • Stacking work together
  • Not knowing where to start after the work piles up
  • Then work becomes even more chaotic
  • Increased stress
  • Financial problems arise and increase
  • Increased educational or occupational problems
  • Decreased performance
  • Family disputes
  • Lack of progress in life
  • Deterioration in standard of living

10 Proven Ways to Stop Procrastinating

Image by Methawee Krasaeden from Pixabay

01. Make an Outline

Creating the outline can be indicated as the first step in creating a work plan. Here you have to separate your daily activities. For example, things like eating, drinking, bathing, using social media.

After that, the tasks to be performed should be identified. Study activities if a student, work activities if an employee, business activities if a businessman and other important activities should be listed.

02. Time Allocation

After all the tasks are listed, the time and days should be allocated. You cannot set dates for certain tasks. If there are such immutable dates, adjust the other tasks accordingly.

Here, the allocation of time cannot be arbitrary. It should be done more systematically and formally. The maximum reasonable time required for each task should be estimated.

Accordingly, after spending time on daily activities such as sleeping, eating, bathing, the remaining time is the time left for you to work. Calculate how much time it takes. After that, allocate that time in a suitable and sufficient way for the tasks you have to do.

03. Just Start Working

Once all the work is included in a work plan, start working. Don’t think, just work. It is not important to wait until the appointed time to do the work. Try to finish the work as soon as possible. Try to finish tomorrow’s work today. Try to finish at least half of next week’s workload this week.

Don’t waste a single minute. If you make the most of your time, you can save a lot of time in the future to live your life freely.

04. Stick to the Plan

After creating a work plan, only a person who can follow it like a robot can move towards his goals. So don’t deviate from your plan. Always stick to the plan.

Making a plan is easy. But it is very difficult to adapt to it and work for a long time. So when you make a plan, you have to work to create it in the most optimal way.

Although literally working like a robot, a human needs some free time to get back to peak productivity. That means you need rest. Lack of rest can greatly reduce your productivity.

05. Avoid Distractions

Distractions distract you from the work plan. There must be many distractions around you. Identify them well. Identify ways to keep them out of your way, and avoid those distractions.

Your phone may be the biggest obstacle to your work. If so, put the phone aside. Focus on the task. Don’t pay attention to anything else.

06. Improve Self-discipline

You must have good self-discipline to avoid distractions. That means, you must have strong mental power to control your mind, your thoughts, moods, emotions, addictions etc.

In order to have good self-discipline, you have to be mindful. Be aware of everything you say and do. If that happens, you can recognize it when you go off plan and work to stick to it immediately.

The article “6 Easy Tips to Live Consciously and Mindfully” has discussed how to spend time mindfully. You can read the article if you like.

07. Dream of the Future

You must have a dream about your future. There must be hunger and thirst for a beautiful future life. That insatiable hunger is what drives you to your goals.

Do not let that hunger be satisfied in any way. You try to hunt only as long as you are hungry, you don’t try to hunt after hunger is gone.

So be hungry for your dreams. Be hungry for your beautiful future. Pursue objectives and hunt them down. For that, you have to work hard every waking hour.

08. Relax Your Mind

It is difficult to focus your attention on one thing when your mind is restless. Then your mind will automatically engage in procrastination.

So if you are procrastinating because your mind is not free, relax your mind first. Sleep is important for peace of mind, physical health is important. Also, you can use various methods to reduce stress.

In the article “12+ Scientifically Proven Ways to Relieve Stress” we have talked about ways to relieve stress and relax the mind. You can read that article.

09. Be Optimistic About the Outcome

If you plant healthy seeds, your harvest will be very rich. Similarly, if you follow a correct procedure, the result will be a good and satisfactory one.

Therefore, be optimistic about the results of your actions. When you act with such optimism, your desire to experience that outcome will steer you away from procrastination.

When you know that the reward is good, you will have some will, desire and interest to work for it. So get used to not procrastinating for the good reward.

10. Form a Strong Habit

The problem is due to the lack of good habits and the acquisition of bad habits. Make it a habit to finish work on time or even earlier. Also, make it a habit to do something every waking hour.

When you practice this over time, you will no longer try to postpone your tasks. You naturally tend to engage in productive work.

Realize the harm to your future by procrastinating. Start working now. Good Luck!


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