10 Powerful Tips to Build Self-Discipline

Self-discipline is something that many people in today’s society lack. If people’s lives are failing to a near-failure level and deteriorating, it is often due to the absence of this trait.

Brian Tracy’s “No Excuses! The Power of Self-Discipline” is a very valuable and interesting book written about what self-discipline is, why self-discipline is important, and how to develop self-discipline.

Anyone trying to develop self-discipline should read this book. But reading a book alone cannot develop self-discipline. Self-discipline can be built in you by incorporating the things in that book into your life and practicing them.

This article mentions only a few things taken from that book. The most important and interesting points of the book are included here.

It deals with self-discipline in many aspects. For example, how self-discipline is instilled in many areas, such as in business and in leadership etc.

What is Self-Discipline?

As Elbert Hubbard says, ‘Self-discipline is the ability to do what you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not.’

Self-discipline is the key to personal greatness, self-discipline is the key to personal greatness, self-discipline is self-mastery, self-discipline is self-control of your thoughts, emotions and behaviors.

If you are someone who strives to rise above the average, you must have a high ability to control your emotions. If that happens, the way will open for you to reach a very successful level.

10 Powerful Tips to Build Self-Discipline

Image by Florian Pircher from Pixabay

01. Take Control of Yourself

This book states that success is possible only when you can master your own emotions, appetites, and inclinations. It’s called self-mastery.

This book mentions further; your ability to control yourself and your actions, to control what you say and do, and to ensure that your behavior is consistent with your long-term goals and objectives is the mark of the superior person.

Reject easy gratifications, misguided temptations, and do what is right for you not for short-term gratification but for long-term rewards.

02. The Discipline of Writing

Although everyone has goals, only a few can achieve them. This book says that writing down your goals increases your chances of achieving them tenfold.

Writing down your goals doesn’t guarantee you’ll achieve them. But someone who writes down goals is much more likely to succeed than someone who doesn’t.

All you need for this is a sheet of paper and a pen, so do this. There you will also understand the various problems related to your goals. It is also possible to identify and focus on the most valuable goals.

03. Self-Mastery & Self-Control

This means taking responsibility for your own emotions. You have to take responsibility for your actions. No one else can be blamed for that.

Being responsible is very important for success in life. You can understand and correct your mistakes only if you take responsibility.

04. Never Complain, Never Explain

One of the characteristics of a successful leader is to take full responsibility for their actions, their consequences, and the situations they face.

And if something fails, don’t complain, blame others, or justify it by making excuses about how it happened.

Others don’t care how much you put in, they only see the results. Therefore, after something goes wrong, it is useless to explain to them how it went wrong. Fix it and show it.

05. Eliminating Negative Emotions

Everyone wants to be happy, and happiness can only be achieved if negative emotions are removed from the mind. No negative feelings mean more optimistic attitudes are created in the mind.

Guilt, resentment, envy, jealousy, fear, and hostility are the main negative emotions that arise in the mind. Having these feelings can make you lose your self-control.

Anger in particular will cost you a lot. Hate and jealousy can lead you to many mistakes. Therefore, efforts should be made to eliminate such feelings, moods and attitudes.

And such negative feelings also cause you to develop psychosomatic illnesses. It can completely change the way you travel. Completely changes your behavior patterns. So get rid of negative emotions.

06. The Fatal Fallacy

One of the biggest problems you can have is that you don’t value yourself. Or, the attitude that others are superior, more valuable, and better than you.

With this thought, on the other hand, the feeling that “I am very insignificant”, “I’m worthless” is born. This leads to many personality issues.

Do not overestimate yourself, but have a correct assessment. Or you are unknowingly thrown out of this race of life. And be kind to others.

07. Get Over the Mistakes Your Parents Made

As a child, when you are about to do something wrong, your parents stop you, and if you do something wrong, you are blamed and punished.

Perhaps your childhood was completely spent without any freedom like this. For this reason, as you grow older, you may feel guilty, or even angry with your parents.

Due to these reasons, sometimes there will be problems in your personality development. Parents sometimes do not allow you to make mistakes because they have experience with them.

Otherwise, your parents criticize you for doing things you like and doing as you please rather than doing what they expect of you.

Sometimes what your parents did or didn’t do to you, what your grandparents did or didn’t do to your parents can affect your current life.

In the love, affection and care that a child receives from their parents, they become more wise, virtuous and manly persons. Don’t make the same mistakes your parents did.

08. Always Behave Consistently

Always act in accordance with your values, attitudes, principles etc. When you violate your values, you feel guilty. In some cases you may need to do so for various reasons.

But if you act in a way that matches your values, you will have great self-esteem. You may have compromised your values in the face of many short-term benefits.

But one day in the future, when you think back on those things, only the worst feeling will come to your mind. You will have a very low estimate of yourself. Sometimes you will feel great disappointment and disgust with yourself.

So don’t compromise your values for short-term gains for any reason. If you stick to your values and live by your principles, you will be able to be proud of yourself one day in the future.

09. Do the Right Thing

Always do what is right, not short-term gains but long-term well-being. Then you will be able to be satisfied with yourself one day in the future, if not today.

When you make a decision, a choice, an action, consider the long-term consequences. If someone asks you to do something that doesn’t align with your values, walk away.

10. Work All the Time You Work

Productivity can be maintained at its peak by working every time you work. Simply put, work! work! Don’t be late, don’t waste time, don’t procrastinate.

Read the article “10 Proven Ways to Stop Procrastinating” to know how to be more productive without procrastinating.

Only work when working. Don’t use the time to do other things during work time. Don’t use your work time to go on social media, chat with other people at work, go for coffee during work hours, or gossip about others.

Always work, never pretend to work. You are only deceiving yourself by pretending to be working while doing irrelevant task at work.

Self-discipline is being able to engage in a task after starting it until it is finished. After starting a task, half-doing it and doing other irrelevant and unnecessary tasks shows your lack of discipline.


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