Categories: Education

10 Effective Ways to Learn English Correctly and Quickly

Most people in almost every country in the world learn English. Many others are working to improve English language skills. Language skills are the sum of the ability to read, write, listen, understand and speak a language.

Taken together, this can also be defined as the ability to master a language for communication. Some people can read and write English but cannot speak. This is the unfortunate fate that many people face. When they go to speak, they stutter, or the words do not come out in an orderly, fluent manner.

There are other people who cannot read, write or speak English. Such people have a great fear of English. They find it a very difficult subject. There are some countries where English is taught as a subject from one year to higher education in the schools of those countries.

But those students are very weak in English. Even after they leave school and go to society, the lack of English proficiency is a big problem they face.

Photo by Nothing Ahead: Pexels

If you don’t know English, I don’t think you will read this article. Because this article is also written in English. If you are reading this article in English without translating it to your native language, it means that you know English, but you want to improve English.

10 Effective Ways to Learn English Correctly & Quickly

Here we focus on 10 methods that will help someone who does not know English at all, or someone who knows a little, to learn English simply and correctly from the beginning and to improve English knowledge.

01. Stop Thinking English is a Subject

First of all I would like to clear the wrong thinking in your mind about English. Non-native speakers learn English as just another subject in school. The only time they use English is the English period. They often study all other subjects in their mother tongue.

Also, most of the time, schools have old, irritable, and unlikable teachers to teach English. So students are naturally reluctant to learn English. Also, such gurus are hypocritical in imparting correct shastra. Often in various poor countries, English belongs only to the rich families of that country.

Just like those capitalists, hypocritical teachers in schools do not want children from poor families to learn English. The reason for all this is to see English as a subject to be learned with effort. English is not a subject but a language.

Understand that first. Avoid learning English only to score in school exams. Consider English as a second language and start learning English. Then learning English will be easier and more interesting.

02. Learn the Basics

Whatever you learn, don’t try to learn it without the basics. Currently you know English, but if there are any gaps in knowledge, it is because you have missed the basics of English. So, whether you know English to some extent or are a complete beginner, you should start with the basics of English.

Let’s see what are the basics. The English language is completely divided into several parts. They are called parts of the speech in English. It teaches the words found in the English language, what category they belong to, and how they are used in the language.

Those parts are nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, conjunctions, etc. You’ve heard these things. You probably know these things. But, you may not know the different ways these are found in the language.

There are different ways of using words in the use of language. First, learn how to use different types of words in the English language in the correct way. First, you need to learn these “Parts of the Speech in English Language” for that.

03. Basics of the Twelve Tenses

You may have often heard the term “twelve tenses”. But you may not know what this is. Maybe you know, just don’t remember. Maybe you know, you remember, but you don’t understand.

Twelve tenses are the 12 types of sentences in the English language. To build sentences easily and to read and understand sentences, you need to have a good knowledge of these twelfth tenses.

English is very unpleasant and English is said to be difficult when you don’t have clear knowledge of part of the speech and these 12 tenses. So after learning parts of the speech, learn these twelve tenses without fail.

There are two forms of these twelve tenses; active voice and passive voice. You must learn these two forms of the twelve tenses and other basic grammar rules to construct any sentence clearly and correctly.

04. Improve Your Vocabulary

After learning parts of speech and twelve tenses properly, the problem you will face is that your vocabulary is weak. In other words, you don’t have the suitable words or terms to write a sentence or express something.

So you have to improve your vocabulary a lot. This is very easy. You can find frequently used English words all over the internet. Search YouTube or Google, you can find a bunch of words like this. But here you have to do one more thing. That is, you should note down the meaning of those English words in your mother tongue.

In this way, after collecting about 100 – 150 words, English sentences can be built to a certain level. But this is by no means enough to achieve better language proficiency. There are many more words you need to add to your vocabulary.

05. Read English News Papers and Books

Reading English newspapers and books is a great way to pick up many words you don’t know. Also, this will help you learn different phrases. Also, this greatly reduces the time it takes to read and understand something in English.

So make it a habit to read English newspapers and books. Do not choose very difficult articles and books at first. Start with easy ones and gradually start reading complex things.

06. Read Aloud to Improve English

Instead of reading silently, practice reading aloud. If you don’t know how to pronounce different words there, you can look them up and learn them. This method is very helpful in learning the pronunciation of English words.

07. Watch English Movies

This is another very effective way to learn English and improve English knowledge. You can watch English movies, TV series, cartoons, documentaries, comedy videos etc.

Watch those videos with subtitles at first. Then gradually reduce the use of subtitles. Try to catch and understand those words without subtitles as much as possible. If not possible, use the subtitles to find the relevant obscure word.

08. Talk to Yourself

How many things do you say to yourself every day? How much do you talk to yourself? So, whenever you speak to yourself, try to speak them in English. This is a very good way to learn to express many intentions in English.

Keep things short and simple at first. Over time get used to expressing your intentions more clearly in English. Make this your regular habit. Then it becomes easier.

09. Scold in English

There are many vulgar words and phrases in the English language that can be used to scold or insult someone. There are such words and phrases all over the internet. You can find them very easily. Write them down and memorize them well.

As soon as you get a chance to scold someone who doesn’t know English, scold that person using those English phrases you have learned. No matter how much of a bully, he gets scared when scolded in English.

So, practice scolding, insulting or cursing in English without fear. It also helps a lot in slipping out of various serious situations. Similarly, you can build a certain image when you scold in English in the middle of a group of people who don’t know English.

10. Use Frequently

It was mentioned at the beginning of this article that English is a language and not a subject. So, practice using English in your everyday life. Get rid of the feeling that your English is wrong and that others will laugh at you.

People are waiting for us to make mistakes, and we can’t stop their laughter. So, you should not take them seriously. If you want to improve English, you have to use English whenever possible. You can overcome your fear by speaking English with people who do not speak English.

Also, you can improve your English speaking ability little by little by speaking English with your family and people younger than you. Always try to speak, write and read in English.

By implementing these 10 methods correctly, you will be able to learn English and improve English. You can find many study tips and tricks by go through this link.


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