Categories: Education

10 Effective Study Tips – Smart and Practical Ways

What are Study Tips?

Study Tips are various methods, ideas and suggestions that can be used to make your studies better and more effective. Through this article, I hope to bring you the most valuable and practical methods.

Without trying anything myself, I can’t advise you to do this. So, today I am going to tell you the methods that I have tried and found very useful during my studies. It was by studying through these methods that I got high results in college exams.

Image by svklimkin from Pixabay

Through this article I will bring you things that you should do while studying. In another article, let’s talk about mistakes you make while studying and how to avoid them. In another article we will talk about the mistakes you make while studying, how to avoid them and what not to do while studying.

Some of the steps here are actually not just a single method or step, but are built into clusters of steps.

10 Effective & Practical Study Tips

01. Time Management: Most Important

If I ask you, what is the most valuable thing in the world? You answer, money, diamonds, the International Space Station, knowledge or something else. But I say, there is something worth more than all that.

That is the “Time”. I’m not just saying that, there are several reasons for that. You can earn money but you can’t earn time. You can stop spending your money, but you can’t stop the passage of time. Time is more volatile than money.

If you work harder, you can earn more money. But you cannot earn more time just because you worked harder. You have very limited time. There is no way to increase your available time. All you can do is use the time more effectively. Whether you use it or not, it evaporates. You can’t hoard time the way you hoard money.

If you have money, you can buy anything you like from the shop. But no matter how much money you have, no matter how much you like it, you can’t buy time. But if you have the money, you can find ways and means to use the time more effectively.

During school time, you should focus more on your studies. There are many ways to waste time. So, make sure to consume the time you have in the most admirable way. There, set aside specific time for studying as well as sleeping, going to school, recreational activities.

02. Place of Study

After allocating time to study, choose a suitable place for it. A suitable place is quiet, where studies can be done more comfortably. There should be comfortable tables and chairs, a place to put books, not a place with unnecessary light or a very dark place, not a very hot place.

03. Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique is a very practical and effective method that can be used in many of our daily activities. This is a time management method introduced by Francesco Cirillo.

We can use this as a study trick. I have noticed this in practice, usually when studying continuously for more than 20 minutes, my focus goes out of the study. I believe this is bound to happen to you too, maybe even earlier, or maybe a bit later. But you probably don’t have much sense about it.

However, I will show you how to use it. It is advised to divide our time into 30 minute segments. This method is to use 25 minutes for the relevant work and the remaining 5 minutes for a short break.

Here I advise you to study for 20-25 minutes and take a short break of 5-10 minutes. But don’t use this break for social media browsing. Use it for a simple activity like drinking some water, going to the washroom, eating a snack or taking a short walk in the garden.

Then again, start your study cycle. Again after 20 or 25 minutes, take a short break in this manner. Take a 30 to 60 minute break after studying for four time splits or total 2 hours in this way.

This is a method that can be used to do any task that is done over a long period of time, better and with less effort.

But the point that many people are questioning me here is that this method cannot be used in solving math problems. Some math problems may take longer to solve. So that’s right. Take your time and solve the problem. That’s totally fine. You don’t need to take any of these methods too strictly.

04. Feynman Technique

Another very useful study tip introduced by Nobel Prize winning physicist Richard Feynman. This can be demonstrated in 4 simple steps.

Step 01: Select a specific lesson. Then read it several times and keep it in memory.

Step 02: Then you understand it and explain the relevant lesson or section to someone who knows nothing about it. There, use simple words unique to you to describe the relevant lesson. What is in the book should not be said in the same way. You have to describe it in your own way. Imagine you are a teacher, describe the lesson by imagining how you would teach it to your students if you were a teacher.

Step 03: There, identify the gaps in your memory and areas that are less understood.

Step 04: Revisit those forgotten parts of the lesson and remember them well.

05. Read Aloud

Instead of reading the lesson silently, reading the relevant lesson out loud also makes the points better remembered. Keep a regular speed of reading there. Read the lesson aloud with great attention.

06. Avoid Distractions

Your biggest obstacle is your phone. If your phone is not useful for your study, turn it off. At least make it silent. Maybe your distraction is the TV or something else. For this reason, I mentioned earlier that you should choose a place that will not interfere with your studies.

However, avoid any external or internal distractions during your study time.

07. Get Some Rest

Rest is naturally important to your body. Even if a machine is operated unnecessarily, it tends to break down quickly. So is your body.

Be good at managing time in such a way as to relax your mind while studying. Also, try to give rest to the mind and body by getting healthy sleep.

If you manage your time well, your sleep will not interfere with your studies. Also, your studies do not interfere with your sleep.

During night sleep, many important functions are done inside your body, and various perceptions, information, etc. that you get throughout the day are analyzed by the brain during night sleep and a process of transferring them to long-term memory takes place.

08. Repetition

Many things are experienced only once and will not be remembered forever. Usually, except for the skills you practiced, almost everything else is forgotten in our memory with time. That is the nature of our memory. We have already discussed this in great depth in another article. Read that article: 8 Ways to Improve Memory, it will help you to solve your memory related problems.

The only thing we can do for the state of natural forgetting is repetition. It means that by repeatedly informing your brain of the same fact, it is considered important and stored in long-term memory.

When something goes out of use, it is very difficult to recall it. That’s why everyone thinks that memory fades with time. What actually happens is that recall becomes very difficult or impossible. Because the brain gives more space and priority to new and frequently used facts. Others get moldy.

So, study regularly. Read the same lesson several times. Then you will almost eliminate this forgetfulness.

09. Self Study

Rather than trying to remember or learn by reading only a page or lesson of a book, they are better retained in memory when you explore and learn things on your own through external related books, internet, and YouTube.

I love this method of self study. Different education systems in different countries differ from each other. But something more or less common in all education systems is the attempt to limit and blunt knowledge through syllabuses.

A variety of practical reasons may influence it. But you begin to travel alone in search of knowledge. Then you will be able to gather a lot of knowledge. Your age is not relevant for that, only desire should be there. Today everyone has internet access. That is why you are able to read this article. There are plenty of ways to find and learn about any topic online. All you need is the desire for it.

10. Good Physical and Mental Condition

Everything is done properly through the intervention of your brain. Your brain is at the forefront of maintaining your physical and mental health. Rest, nutritious food, good social and interpersonal relationships, living environment, etc., contribute to the better functioning of the brain.

So getting nutritious food and drinks directly helps your physical body, and it indirectly helps your brain function. Thus, when the brain functions well, the brain again works cyclically to maintain both the mind and the physical body well.

So eat nutritious food, get good healthy sleep, rest and reduce stress. It will keep your internal state as well as physical body well.


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